Druid Ethnicity in Uto Daeg | World Anvil


Culture and lifestyle and beliefs of average druids

Slodius Rex
Let this article start with the following disclaimer: in no way, shape, or form is this a reflection of every single circle, clan, enclave, parliament, coven, or other group of druids (note that I will be using "circle" and that "circle" is simply my way to encompass all the druidic groups). The druids are, of course, varied in total beliefs and customs; they are no monoculture. The following are what is merely typical and common among them. In other words, if it is mentioned here, all druids practice in this way as per each circle's head.   Druids are the forgotten peoples, but not from negligence from the outside world. The druids keep to themselves, eschewing modern societies and cultures in favor of what we would call "simpler" lives. To them it is not simple, at least in the east-going, lightly derogatory sense that we may mean when we say it, having been bred and reared in the city life or vaguely cosmopolitan lives of other cities. True, the rural and agrarian fellows would not consider themselves remotely city-like, but when asked, do share similar values and beliefs as those in the cramped roads of any settlement large enough to consider itself worth the title "city."   No, none of those people are close enough to fully comprehend the druidic lifestyle and customs. The druids do not revere the city gods Avandra and Erathis and Asmodeus whom they see as coming into direct conflict with their beliefs, but also do not perpetuate the beliefs and faiths of the other gods. Deities are not important to the druid. When asked about whom they worship, the druidic heads and hoary-sages all give doubly-defined patronizing smiles and say "Nature." For them, the gods are the trees, the spirits within the animals, the energy of the rocks and plants, the brash wind, the sweltering heat of the desert sands, humungous rogue waves coursing, unsuspected, across oceans, and all from the clouds above to the deep stone unknown miles beneath their feet.   Despite this, man druids do curry favor with some deities. Occasionally they will worship or attribute patronage to Melora, Dyahvahna, Chauntea, or even Pelor, though their true reverence is entrusted unto Nature. As one head in Gleymor said, "Other deities say they created Nature, but their hubris led to their relegating of Nature to 'simple' when they themselves cannot do as much creation nor hold as much power nor guide as many lives."   The myths and stories handed down generation and generation are kept in what they call The Body, a special place or location or idea accessible only to the select few. This is the way the druids across the entire world can correspond and share memories and events and collaborate when Nature deems it necessary. According to the druidic heads, there are special rites or rituals that allow one selected to enter the Body and set down the information. The druids are very private about this event and so my knowledge — and thus yours — ends there.   The druidic heads were keen to discuss their outlook and worldview. You see, each druid must undergo a rite called karaqo, which is their promotion from member to druid. This ritual is extensive and strenuous, but does grant full acceptance as a druid by their circle. The worldview of the druid is set in the karaqo: oneness with Nature (note the capital "N") and complete annihilation of self. See, the druids believe all on the Plane Prime Material are connected through the spirit of Nature, which is, in their words, actual nature. This is what they follow and worship, and what calls them back into the wilderness, their home. Cities to them are as silver to a vampire or werewolf. They may not stay in them long before the call of Nature guides them back out.   This keenness for nature and rejection of anything that dares consider itself "civilized" constantly drives the druids to wander and peacefully take back what they believe is theirs. To the druid, all land that is dominated by civilization is misused and should return to what Nature intended. When asked, all reasonable druid heads knew complete obtainment to be in vain, which is why they desire for a complete oneness with the civilized persons. They wish for the oneness they have and believe then they will turn to their ways. Still, they look to preserve what is still wilderness, which is the majority of the world. They often say, "Nature with all, all with Nature."   To the modern reader this seems asinine or exotic, but to the druid it is simply as they live. On the whole, every druid said they encountered some problems but not more than others like us have. Instead, they agree they live happier lives without want and desire to "accessorize, gossip, and hate." Many who have undergone the karaqo cite they barely can remember their life before becoming a druid, and would not have it any other way.

Regional Differences

Enor Daeg

Druids in Enor Daeg prefer either the mountain ranges or the deep forests, secluding themselves from civilization more so than others. Isolationists at heart, they prefer to keep situations and affairs within their own communities.

Sefir Daeg

The druids in Sefir Daeg have the extreme benefit of the Greattree of Sefir Daeg, and almost the entire conclave of druids are here. It is their sanctuary. Very small pockets live in the Jagged Peaks or the deep forests of northern Tallibab. while friendly to outsiders, they are not warmly welcoming either.

Belor Daeg

Often called the "jolly druids," the Belor Daeg conclaves are generally more open to work with outsiders, though they do not divulge any secrets. While they are loquacious with outsiders, the outsiders must travel to them; Belor Daeg druids do not actively seek out non-druids.


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