Derelict Sea

Dark and tragic, this sea has claimed the lives of many a sailor and merchant cargo hoping to cut time from routes between Belor Daeg and Enor Daeg.


The ocean is without islands and many speak of merfolk living underneath the waves. These merfolk speak of a deep ravines and waters that swirl like the winds of the caves of Pandemonium. There is little vegetation because of the rocky shores and steep cliffs; few beaches welcome the Derelict Sea.


Due to the harsh conditions, all eco life lives beneath the waves in the safety of sea caves or divots in the bedrock. All fish and merfolk inhabit strong, stone buildings or caves that shelter from the destructive currents.

Ecosystem Cycles

Seasons do little to change the currents and ecology of the sea, though some seaweed does float in from elsewhere. A small patch is said to grow in the shallower, sheltered waters around the Shinar Archipelago, but this would be a first.

Localized Phenomena

Aside from the deep and expansive Belor and Verilingeer Oceans, currents are the most destructive here. Merfolk speak of underwater tornados — called "torrents" — that pose a serious threat to them if the currents change much during the changing seasons several times a year, though torrents stay in the wild badlands away from the civilized merfolk.

Fauna & Flora


Simple, floating greens can be found in coves but nothing can hope to anchor in the open waters for long. Some seaweed has floated and rooted near the archipelago, but that remains anomalous.  


Due to the lack of small plants, virtually all creatures are carnivorous. A few species of fish have adapted to photosynthesize, but all become eaten eventually. The predatory waters do provide ample fishing fields, even if fights break out between sea thing and sailor.

Natural Resources

The malevolent fish survive and grow strong. Strong fish are ripe for fishing. The best tuna and swordfish can be found here, their meat large and filling due to their need for survival. The fishers that brave these waters pray to Melora every day to curry favor.   The salt also helps keep the salt flats of Lochney fresh.


The sea has been sailed since sailors could latch rope to a sail. That may sound hopeful, but the Derelict has been swallowing just as many sailors. A loose confederation in the early Third Era tried to form as pirates, but several wild storms marooned many in the open water where not many survived the predators underneath.


There is no market for tourism.
Alternative Name(s)
Tempest Sea, Thunderwave
Location under


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