Derelict Glorchel (glore-chel)
Very few ships have the ability to travel very far for very long. On the bay side of the Shinar Archipelago off the eastern coast of Brin Balo such ships regularly traverse. The dwarves made a type of ship called Derelict Glorchel that are capable, and routinely travel, from cold Brin Balo to far-flung Thateokenik or Goldenvale. They use the glorchgû to transport goods but they are mostly for leisurely transportation. Often the seas are rough and dangerous so special marines are brought on duty to protect the ship and assets.
The ships were constructed by the shunned dwarves known as Engineers and the equally shunned Fellflowers, the same ones who created the Warforged. These two groups are superb at melding the arcane and the mechanical, so it is no doubt they produced something like this. Some members from each clan even went on their maiden voyage to Caphitolia and helped them create their impressive airships.
The ships are privately owned by the Grekglôs, those who created it. Mil Bazon wishes to purchase some, but the eccentric engineers claim the beauty of the ships are simply without a price and to sell one or think of selling one would be "a crime unto all the gods."
The ship boasts hundreds of rooms along the deck, first, second, and third floors. These rooms are on the outer walls so there is a beautiful view of the waters. The rooms are spacious with at least one bed. A few suites are available as well. The rooms are arranged to allow peak comfortability since journeys are several months long.Food
Food is provided for a cost a day. The food is stored in freezing chambers by the kitchen, ready for preparation. Meals are served three times a day.Entertainment
Guests are encouraged to entertain themselves, though some shows are scheduled. Most, however, spend the time meditating or praying or accomplishing some nagging hobbywork.Power Generation
Great furnaces produce steam that can be used to power various engines. Magic is also used as fuel.
Large metal turbines on the hull propel the craft. Sails can be raised if the engines give out.
glory (Common), taalmin (gnomes), aegsuol (elven)
"Over deepness, through tempests, ever onward we ride."
Creation Date
4E 2677
Owning Organization
extremely rare (only 3)
1000 ft.
10 decks
100,000 tons
10 knots
Complement / Crew
deckhands, sailors, guards, navigators, captain.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
up to 750 people with a full load of several tons of goods, up to 1200 when empty.