Avians Species in Uto Daeg | World Anvil


The Avian species hail from the eastern island of Samba Ka. These delightful peoples are a conglomerate of many "families," as they say, of similar appearance to the various species we have on the mainland. The Families are not true families as we think, but their version of "species." Their culture, at first glance alien, is comparable to our own. They may call things differently, or live in different buildings, or any other many things, but they do have a strong tie of humanity.  


  An exile in Samba Ka is an event that gathers a whole community. The guilty party is shuffled to a platform and read words by their appropriated version of Avandra. With absolute seriousness and the stoicism of the logician, the guilty are placed on their stomachs onto a sort of saddle. The Aarakocra executioner raises his thin swords and with a strong and precise stroke hits the exact nerve and muscle of the guilty's wings, rendering them flightless. The wound is sealed by a cleric of their Avandra so that no magic can ever heal. The whole process is somber, the crowd hushed and dour. The lord and lady of the area bow their heads or turn away, shedding tears. The guilty are then expelled to the southern end of the island or given a ship ticket to the next merchant vessel that leaves for Evoria. The guilty's family is allowed one last goodbye before seeing the guilty off. The community swells around the family, comforting them. The family are allowed to grieve for two years, forgiven of debts, and given a monthly allotment of coinage to keep living.
Terrestrial (evolved)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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