Tiburons Species in Ut'wan Olo'khu | World Anvil
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"Have you also noticed that the hunting is starting to be less successful? It's time to move on again. No point in staying so long that the waters are bare. How many new little ones are there for the shiver's journey? Spread the word to keep an eye on them. It's good that they're experiencing this young, but we all know that it can take a while for them to learn to let the shiver guide them while they sleep. Start gathering the shiver."
-Octavia Maximus, Tiburon Shiver Wayfinder   Many settlements consider the Tiburon to be a roaming curse. As their tribal groups, known as shivers, follow ancient routes through the regions they inhabit they hunt the food that they need. Truth be told, this is only a problem in areas where the settlements are already straining the local resources. Shivers will settle for a short time on their endless migration once they find enough abundance to support them, but once they start noticing that the natural resources are dwindling, they'll begin to move on again. Those foolish enough to try and deter a shiver from their path soon find themselves in a fight that most truly did not wish for. This has led to a fearsome reputation.   Appearance and Physique
Basic: A humanoid torso and arms, with a shark head and tail. The shape of the head and tail mimic various shark species. Skintones: Skintone ranges all colours found in sharks, but can have spots and stripes that are not always found in bestial sharks. Hair: None. Eyes: Dark eyes similar to shark eyes. Size: Medium   History and Culture
Despite their fearsome reputation, most Tiburon are perfectly reasonable. They have no desire to harm an area by stripping it of its bounty and believe strongly in giving the ocean time to heal and replenish. They respect the wisdom of elders and protect the young. According to Tiburon oral history, they are an exceptionally ancient race. But once, eons ago, a shiver of Tiburon lost their way. They became obsessed with The Void and their views on The Void's preservation became twisted, twisting them. They strove to become the strongest and most powerful beings that they could be, so that The Void would eternally preserve them as such. They would viciously savage other creatures and even each other. They drifted to where the waters were stagnant, ceased to follow the flow of the currents, or bask in the light or the song. Their lack of swimming caused their tails to split into legs and they mutated and morphed with time. Their honourless depravity caused The Current to despair and forsake them, leading them to have to seek The Void themselves. These sahuagin were dark mirrors of the worst parts of the Tiburon writ large. A living warning of the worst that could happen.
Regardless of if there is any truth to this legend, the enmity between tiburons and sahuagin runs deep, and when the two groups cross paths it often becomes a bloody battle. And to avoid a fate such as those of the sahuagin, the tiburons hold fast to honour. All Tiburons follow a code of honour. While there may be additional points that differ from shiver to shiver, all hold these in common: • We only go to war against those who raise a spear against us. Those who die protecting their shiver, die with honor.
• The seas belong to no person or nation. Everyone has a right to hunt the seas.
• We endlessly hunt and move forward. Staying in place makes you weak and soft.
• The shiver carries only what it needs. Together we carry everything that one of us needs.
• We protect our young until they can hunt on their own. We care for our elders to preserve their wisdom.
• The honorless are exiled and must swim alone.
  Favoured Depth: The Shallows and The Gloom   Ability Score Increase: Strength increases by 2 and Constitution increases by 1.
Age: Tiburon reach adulthood around the age of 18. They live considerably longer than humans, though, often reaching 90 years.
Alignment: Most tiburon tend towards lawful, but it can vary by individual.
Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Bite: Your sharp teeth are a natural weapon that you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Frenzy: You can allow your instincts to take over. When you hit a creature that is below its hit point maximum with a melee weapon attack, you deal extra damage that equals your level. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Keen Smell: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Speed: Your walking speed is 20 feet. You have a swimming speed of 40 feet. Whenever you are on land you are always considered prone.
Size: Tiburons average 8ft in length and about 300 pounds in weight.
Languages: They can speak, read and write Saiwan (Common) and Sahuagin.
  Random Height and Weight
Base Height: 7'
Height Modifier: +2D10
Base Weight: 245lb
Weight Modifier: x (2D4) lb


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