Black Velvet Monkeys Species in Urth | World Anvil
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Black Velvet Monkeys

These monkeys are native to the jungles closer to the equator west and south Krahnis. They have a silky black coat of fur, soft with a sheen. They face has tan colors and their eyes are bright blue. They grow to a body length of up to 20 inches with males being smaller. Their prehensile tails are 10-16" in length. They weigh 9 to 16 pounds as adults.  They live in clusters of 10-20 monkeys, mostly females and children. Adults males will leave to other clusters. Typically, a female gives birth once a year, between autumn and winter, after a gestation period of around 165 days. Usually, only one at a time, with twins being very rare. An infant normally weighs 2/3 of a pound.   Trendy Pets   Several cities with great wealth and prosperity discovered these as an exotic pet. Their silky black coat and bright blues eyes are visually striking. They are very expressive and communicative, making them entertaining. And they have behaviors that make them seem socially intelligent. They respond reasonably to proper training from an animal handler, but they are capricious and display individuality that reduces the control of good training. Less diligent owners will find them to be very sociable and enjoyable pets, but they will usually run into difficulty curbing any unwanted behaviors if they didn't train them strictly from the start.  They can respond to basic concepts as the average dog, but their finger and hand structure are able to operate doors and latches, ca5rry small objects, etc.    For several decades they have been captured and bred for sale in the biggest ports of call to nobility and the wealthy.  However, this trend has run its course in some societies making them exotic pets for anyone with some extra coin.  Many are bred or captured locally. Some cities have developed a wild population of them.   The city of Meyzon has a significant population due to heavy importing and the sudden decrease in popularity as it became seen as old and relegated to those pretending to be of higher social status or having a unique "thing". They have become a persisting nuisance in Meyzon. Their small size and climbing abilities allow them access to many places. They have proven very adaptive to urban environments. And they have displayed some disturbing all too humanoid behaviors. Black velvets are known for drinking alcohol, excessively. They become drunk and while usually uncoordinated and sloppy when drunk, some do become violent. They appear to become very dependent on it, consistently seeking to steal alcohol. Taverns and Inns ban them and will kill them as they would a rat. They display acts of spitefulness. They will destroy food or drink rather than stealing or eating it to show defiance to others.


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