Skald Character in Up&Down | World Anvil


Chronically bored General with a bloody hobby.

Past Life

Grew up in the Far Lands as the son of a nobleman. He lived a rather comfortable and carefree life, was mostly concerned with intrigues and the intricacies socializing with other nobles. Unfortunately for him and his clan, they drew the wrath of the local population on themselves when it was discovered that they had been pulling the strings of the area's political affairs.   They had established an entirely corrupt administration and taken several liberties they shouldn't have, which was how they had been able to build their wealth and influence in the first place. The locals didn't take kindly to it. They stormed the mansions and lynched any noble they found there, looting and vandalizing the property. Skald only barely managed to flee. He had to go into hiding and figure out how to live like a commoner, something he firstly hated to even think about, and secondly had no clue how to do.   He didn't have any useful skills and couldn't make use of his status anymore, as that would have gotten him lynched as well.

Hope in the Legion

It didn't take more than a few days of being homeless and hungry until he stumbled upon a recruiting ad of the Legion and was tempted by their promises. He spent his last remaining money on travelling to the North and volunteered himself. Seeing as he didn't even know how to fight, he was put into an Admin unit and immediately started doing what he did best there: playing power games and making connections with more influencial people. This allowed him to slowly establish himself despite the fact that no one really knew what he was even contributing to the Legion's efforts.   In fact, not even he himself knew for sure. He had somehow ended up in a position that didn't require him to do much actual work - he just attended meetings and occasionally put his signature on some reports. It gave him a lot of time for scheming, but was also mind-numbingly boring.

Rise to Power

Thanks to his constant efforts to get popular with the higher ups, he ended up pulling a lot of strings in the background. He kept tabs on just about anyone in his vicinity, and wasn't above playing dirty to get rid of people who were in his way or onto him. This went as far as him becoming the General of the Units 5-XX through 7-XX (and later 39-XX) by simply nominating himself when the previous General died.   From the very start, he was fully aware that anyone acting like his friend was only trying to suck up to him, and trusted no one. He surrounds himself with a chosen few, and warily watches any sort of shift in power dynamics in the high command. This was expected, but what he hadn't expected was that despite all the intrigues, this new position was even less fulfilling than the previous one. He started looking for entertainment elsewhere, which began with affairs and devolved into organizing a sort of gladiator sport where prisoners of war are being pitted against his soldiers.   He critically observed as Armageddon seized command of the Legion, but didn't have to fear much from her. His position was fortified thoroughly and even though it immediately became clear that the Lord was not fond of him at all and trusts him as far as she could throw him, she is aware that she can't simply dispose of him without risking making powerful enemies.
46 y/o
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Swedish, English
General of the Legion


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