The Solar System - The Ghost Planet Vrask Geographic Location in Under the Twilight of Forgotten Sins | World Anvil
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The Solar System - The Ghost Planet Vrask

The final celestial body of note is the ghost planet of Vrask. Vrask was a vast jungle world. Before Coalescence, Pyrideon was actually part of a binary world with Vrask, with Vrask being 50% bigger than Pyrideon. The planet was destroyed during Coalescence.   About once every one or two centuries, for a full night Vrask will appear in the sky. When it does, it appears as an eldritch green translucent world which takes up half the night sky. Many would like to attribute the event of Vrask appearing to some important event, however, its appearance seems to be completely random.   Stories exist of mages who have studied and prepared spells just so they could travel to Vrask if it should appear in their lifetimes. After appearing, many of these mages have never been seen again.


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