Pronunciation Guide Language in Under the Twilight of Forgotten Sins | World Anvil
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Pronunciation Guide

Guide to pronunciation is as per Merriam-Webster. Completed per Chad’s request for many of the names to have pronunciation guides.     Cities
Brynthia \’brin-thē-ə\ Capital city in Arisilon. Capital of the Cal Confederate and the Zalkonean Empire.
Chrailis \‘chrāl-is\ Starting city.Home of Si-Nassapherion.
Crynthia \’crin-thē-ə\ Major port city in Arisilon.
Drynthia \’drin-thē-ə\ Major farming city in Arisilon
Galecrhome \ˈgal-ə-krōm\ Ancestral home of the Elves from before Coalescence.
Gashmyr \ˈgash- mir\ Legendary city at the center of all worlds.
Kraylin \ˈkrā-lin\ Major port city in Arisilon.   Geographical Locations
Arisilon\ˈə-ri-zᵊl-ȯn\ The most populated and civilized continent on the planet of Camory.
Black Spur Marshes \ˈblak ˈspər ˈmärsh-ez\ Dark and dangerous marshes south of Chrailis.
Camoray \ˈkam-ȯr-ā\ The world the adventure is set in.
First Dawn Lake \ˈfərst ˈdȯn ˈlāk\ The lake which the Zygarosse runs into.
Mashapaloopa \mash-ˏə-pə-ˈlü-pə\ Largest continent (takes up almost half a hemisphere) of Camory.
Nakir (Nadir in some texts) \ˈnā-kir\ or \ˈnā-dir\ One of the known worlds that was destroyed by Coalescence.
Pyrideon \ˈpī-rid-ē-ən\ The old world, what came before Camoray.
Quirk Trees \ˈkwərk ˈtrēz\ Area of dense jungle and forest north of the river between Chrailis and Dawn Lake. Largely inhabited by Fey creatures and largely left alone due to this.
Teseriac \ˈte-ser-ē-ak\ Small continent and home of the Zyloans south of Arisilon.
Zygarosse \‘zī-gär-rōs-sē\ The river which Chrailis sits on.
Aristocracy \ ˌa-rə-ˈstä-krə-sē\ The upper elite of Chrailis society. They live separate and apart from the rest of the citizenry, holding themselves to be superior. Almost completely human with a small percentage of them being elves. They interact minimally with the government and day to day events of the city. Several continually try to join their ranks and set at the outskirts of their society.
Alchemical Guild \ ˈal-kə-mē-kəl ˈgild\ One of two major magical guilds in Chrailis. Smaller, yet its membership is more prestigious.
Arcane Guild \är-ˈkān ˈgild\ One of two major magical guilds in Chrailis. Kind of a catch all, low entry requirements. More resources for low to mid range casters.
Banking Triumvirate\ˈbaŋk-iŋ trī-ˈəm-və-rət\ Three major banks exist in Chrailis. While they compete with each other, they also work together to keep a tight control of the economy.
Borkjä \bȯrk-ˈj(ch)ə\ Rumored group of bards and street performers conspiring to do away with Si’Nassapherion’s rule.
City Guard \ˈsi-tē ˈgärd\ The guard responsible for upholding the peace in Chrailis. Operate mostly city wide except for the inner 5 rings. Also operate as the cities firemen.
Darkrunners \ˈdärk ˈrə-nərs\Rangers specializing in dungeons, mines and caves. They will mount rescues into collapsed tunnels.
Ivory Shields \ˈī-və-rē ˈshēlds\Soldiers and guards who protect primarily the inner two Arches of the city.
Rangers \ˈrān-jərs\ Standing militia and what exists of the army for the outskirts of Chrailis and their surrounding territories.
Scale Banes \ˈskāl ˈbāns\ Notorious ranger squad specializing in hunting down hostile groups of lizard folk and vegapygmies.
Stone March \ˈstōn ˈmärch\Soldiers and police who protect the 3 through 5 rings of Chrailis.
Wily Warders \ˈwī-lē ˈwȯr-dərs\Rangers squad specializing in armed escort and quick rescue – rapid response.
  Dramatis personæ: \ˌdra-mə-təs-pər-ˈsō-nē\
Aleezia \ə-ˈlē-zē-ə\ Widowed dauther-in-law of Killian.
Dame Imokan \ˈdām ˈem-ō-kən\ Elven sorceress and alchemist. Aristocracy (middle echelon at least). Potential patron to the current party.
Drulk Mrulk\ˈdrəlkmrəlk\ Lord Madamus’s chief bodyguard. ½ Ogre.
Hursing \ˈhər-siŋ\ According to Dame Imokan (little else can be found out about Hursing except he was a non-descript explorer and alchemist 150 years ago – nothing to back up her story) he was involved in an expedition into the deep south.
Jerig \ˈjer-eg\ Descendent of Hursing.Last known location was as an employee of Lord Madamus.
Killian \ˈki-lē-ən\ Chief business operator of the Jolly Southside Tavern.Usually can be found running the bar.
Ki’Lyshurusa \ˈkī ˈlī-ˈshu̇r-ü-sə\ 2nd Daughter of Si’Nassa.
Lady Sherayne\ˈlā-dē ˈsher- ān (ˈshe-rān)\One of the aristocracy (lowest echelon). Wife of Lord Madamus. Rumored to be a priestess of Letheria.
Lord Madamus\ˈlȯrd ˈmad-sə-məs\One of the aristocracy (lowest echelon). Publicly has been known as a powerful advocate for the rights of those who live outside the city. Years ago he was considered a philanthropist. Lately has been known to be much sterner on various civil issues and has taken a change of heart. Recently involvement with the human only movement (a movement to have only humans run the government and each race fulfilling a set position within society like dwarves are miners, halflings are farmers, elves should just stick to the wilderness, etc.)
Marshall Skinner –\ˈmär-shəl ˈski-nər\ Highest ranking member of the Ivory Guards.
Martel Waters \ˈmärˌtel wȯ-tərs\ – Map maker working in his family business of Water Front Maps located in the 7th tier.
Portia \ˈpȯr-shə\ Contact of Graykar.Works at a library in the 4th tier.
Si-Nassapherion \ˈsīˏna-sə-ˈfir-ē-än\(proper)\ˈsīˏna-sə-ˈsfir-ē- ən\ (lower caste those outside of the city add an s (sphere) and change the last syllable when pronouncing her name). Si-Nassa is the shortened version. Sometimes just the Matron.
Spango Garnetkiller\spaŋ-gōˈgär-nət-ki-lər\ 22nd of that Name. Owner and operator of the Jolly Southside Tavern. May be an underworld figure. Halfling. A direct nod to the character from 'Of Dice and Men'

  Terelli\ˈte-re-lē\ Well known duelist in the city. Scourge of the Rangers when he not only defeated the best swordsman of the Ranger 2 years ago, he totally humiliated him.
Zurrelevants \ˈzu̇r-re-lə-vəns\ Majordomo to Dame Imokan

Deities and Powers
Gods of Peace \ˈgädz əv ˈpēs\ 13 known and most common gods of Camoray. Called the Gods of Peace not due to their nature, but due them being the replacement for the earlier 13 Gods of War.
Stengard \ˈsten-gärd\ Leader of the Gods of Peace. God of Justice, Law, Honor, and Fairness.
Josca \ˈjäs-kə\ Good goddess of Beauty (physical) and War (tactics).
Radok\rā-ˈdäk\ Good god of Weather (and sailors) and the Earth (mining and farming).
Borollo\ˈbȯr-ȯl-lō\ Good god of death (final moments, passing over), Magic, and Secrets.
Valshin\ˈval- shin\ Good goddess of Life, Childbirth, Healing, and the Suns.
Torya \ˈtȯr-yə\ or \ˈtȯr-yä\ Goddess of Nature.
Kristor \ˈkris- tȯr\ - Goddess of Time.
Sanderal \ˈsan-dər-əl\ God of Good Times, Thievery, Gambling.
Yahalla\yä-ˈhȯl-ə\ God of Knowledge, Crafts, and Art.
Slinjetto \ˈslin-jet-ō\ Goddess of Chaos, Fire, Water, Magic.Anything fluid and constantly changing.
Ramian Fax \rā- mē-an ˈfaks\ God of Evil and Darkness and Corruption.
Letheria\lə-ˈther-ē-ə\ Goddess of Pain and Ice and Suffering.
Grethello\ˈgrē-thel-ō\ Evil god of Murder, Insanity, Terror

Borlik \bȯr-ˈlik\ A species of humanoids with both reptilian and mammalian characteristics.The look like larger kobolds with hair.
Sarloks \sar-ˈläks\ Strange draconian creatures mentioned in Hursing’s journal


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