The Miylian Magic Flood Physical / Metaphysical Law in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

The Miylian Magic Flood

The other worlds learned from the Great Magic Flood of Miylia. They learned how to make crystals that focus magic and regulate it. That way storms like this don't happen to them. The only down side is that the worlds that choose to regulate magic started to have weaker magic.
  After the Miylian Meteor one of the lay lines of Miylia burst open. This lead to some problems in the Miylian Wars. Magic streamed into the world so quickly that it started to choke life around it. Even the mighty dragons fell ill to these effects.   Some dragons went to where the meteor had hit. Once there the dragons broke pieces of the meteor and infused the pieces into the earth. This acted like a bandage for the wound. Once this the lay line was "fixed" the magic storms started to calm down. It would still be many years before the magic of the world went back into balance.


The Magic Flood was like a storm front that would blow in. It came with dark storm clouds charged with arcane energy. The big clouds would seem to crackle with blue, gold, and violet lighting. The clouds were so huge that they would touch the ground and even looked like they were touching the highest sky.


Where ever the storm touched would become a magical dead spot. This made it so magic would backfire and casters would get hurt for even trying to tame to storm. This happened because the storm was pure energy, along with pure magic. No mortal could stop the storm with a warding spell. Even the mighty dragons had a hard time fighting the flood of magic.
Metaphysical, Arcane