Pfussä Pünntwa Condition in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Pfussä Pünntwa (ˈpfuzɛ uhts)

Magic Window

"You have been acting so different and not just since the Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser." Aùshe stated annoyed and disgusted.   "How have I changed, then." Raga asked matching her annoyed tone and crossing his arms defensively.   "Well, your eyes for a start." Aùshe started.   "It is the Konn Prünnzu." Raga looked away from her and started to head back into the town.   "I know." she replied under breath.
Pfussä Pünntwa is the main threat with working with Konn Prünnzu and surgeries like Gugng Pfussä Fröckdt Sähnli which is needed for the magically enhanced people of Fröckdt. The risk is not harmful unless the subject is exposed for a long time and since this is caused by exposure to the literal magical blood of the planet which cannot be healed by magic.

Transmission & Vectors

The condition is transmitted through Konn Prünnzu which is what magic looks like when it flows through the planet. People who have gone through Gugng Pfussä Fröckdt Sähnli get this condition usually in its minor form. People who also take hits of strong magical drugs can also get this condition but to a lesser degree. However, direct contact with Konn Prünnzu for a long time will poison the person and start to kill them making working with Konn Prünnzu dangerous.


Fröckdt who have gone through Gugng Pfussä Fröckdt Sähnli get this condition through the treatments that it takes to become enhanced with the sign being a change in eye color. People who also take hard magical drugs can also get the condition but it rarely looks like the lab-created one that Fröckdt has. Also, direct exposure to Konn Prünnzu for a long period of time can poison the subject and will slowly kill them.


The eyes of the people that have this condition get yellow and light green highlights in the irises of their eyes if they went through Gugng Pfussä Fröckdt Sähnli. If they did not the effect will be in the whites and the irises. Those who were poisoned by Konn Prünnzu will have pale yellow skin in addition to yellowed irises and a few green highlights in the iris. The skin condition can be downplayed with treatment and time and the color can fade from the whites but the color in the iris will stay in the eyes forever.


Time will help treat a poisoning case when it is minor however severe cases have to be treated by carefully siphoning the Konn Prünnzu from the victim. It is possible to die in the victim is poisoned with enough Konn Prünnzu in their system.

Affected Groups

Fröckdt primarily because a surgery needed to become one requires it. Employees at the various Konn Prünnzu Tradtar are at risk of getting poisoned because of they work around Konn Prünnzu.


The best way to avoid this is to not go have the Gugng Pfussä Fröckdt Sähnli surgery that comes from joining Fröckdt, not do magic drugs, and don't work at any Konn Prünnzu Tradtar where the material is mined.


The condition is not contagious so it does not move through the population.

Cultural Reception

Those that have it through Gugng Pfussä Fröckdt Sähnli are feared because that means, according to critics have traded normal life for power. The condition marks them as a Schällk Fröckdt and serves as a quick way to identify people who essentially became super soldiers. Although they are feared they are also respected for making such a harmful choice to benefit other people and protect the country.   Those that have the condition through taking drugs are looked down on and are often on the outskirts of society because drugs with massive hard qualities can destroy people's lives. On the other can those that are poisoned and dying and pitied because of how hard it is to treat.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital