Spirit Stitchers Profession in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Spirit Stitchers

A practice commonly looked down on, Spirit Stitchers replace parts of one's body with that of any other compatible creature. While not inherently bad or evil, these individuals have no rules or regulations for where their spare parts are taken from, many have been suspected of a number of crimes including kidnapping, grave-robbing, and murder.   It has just become illegal in all major regions over the past few decades, due to a growing number of botched cases as well as individuals who underwent major operations attacking the public.  

The Operation

The operation of spirit stitching itself is quick and easy, however, both the preparation and healing stages take a great amount of time and can be lethal if rushes or not executed properly.  


Preparation for the Spirit Stitching begins anywhere from one to five months in advance, the longer the preparation period, the shorter the recovery period. This stage is where the replacement limbs/parts and located, and both Host and Spare are treated with blood infusions and genetic alterations so that they are a perfect match by the time of the operation itself.  


The procedure begins with a round of anesthesia, whether through medicinal or magical means; this step is always important and included unless directly asked to be skipped by the Host. The areas of connection between the Host and the Spare are prepared fresh diagonal cuts on both sections to ensure an easier recovery period, blending of flesh, and stitching. The connecting ends will have an organic glue, created from a variety of medicinal plants meant to sanitize and encourage cell growth, applied. Next, the Host and Spare are finally joined, tight and careful stitching covers the meeting area and methodical bondages are adhered to.  


The risk of infection is always high directly following the procedure, often-times the Host will be kept in a regularly sanitized and secure room for the first week or two. The risk of infection goes away after the third week, but the risk for issues such as host rejection can still occur years after the procedure occurs.
Host: Refers to the patient/client who will be undergoing the transformative operation of Spirit Stitching.   Spare: Refers to the creature/object/material used to replace limbs or parts of the Host.
The practice is in high demand with those in the underground, often because they seek to get stronger through replacing weak parts with those of bigger creatures. It is also very common in more religious areas, especially ones that worship animals.

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