Dust Vine Species in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Dust Vine

Basic Knowledge

  Dust Vine is a special type of root plant that grows downward from cave walls, steep cliffs, tree branches, and other vertical arrangements. It is not a flowering plant but is used specifically for its deep roots and large, sharp leaves. The plant is often hard to spot, as it ranges from dark greens to purples to browns, depending on its surroundings to better blend in.   The plant can be found in warm and dry climates, and has been found to wither and day within hours of being placed in a tropical or cold environment. The plant is naturally found throughout central regions of Meta, with a few small domesticated species cultivated in Kolivad and Anthos, of Union.


As of currently, there are only one observed species of wild Dust Vine, with any variants simply being a change in color.   Beyond the basic knowledge, little else is known to approved researchers about the origins, life cycle, and natural mechanisms of the plant. At first glance, it seems the plant relies on photosynthesis like any other, but the natural placement of the plants say something else. Its vertical nature mirrors that of wild mushrooms and has been observed to almost reach out to any decaying matter around it. Whether the plant is a photosynthetic organism, a fungus, a hybrid of the two, or a previously undiscovered classification, the outcome is the same.      


There are three popular domesticated species of Dust Vine to date, and any other known attempts at domesticating the species have failed. One of the fabled three is called the Dwarfed Vine, made to grow indoors, it is, naturally, much smaller than its parent species. This Vine is popular among apothecary owners and garden enthusiasts, especially those of the healer career. Dark Ground is a lesser-known variant made to cover the ground and spread quickly, the sharp and prickly leaves have been grown out, and instead are soft and large to cover the often exposed roots. The last variant is that of the Pop Vine, grown specifically to thicken up the vine to be juiced and used as a sweet additive to a variety of drinks, potions, and dishes.


As stated before, the main resource of the Dust Vine plant is the roots, not the leaves or vines themselves, though they can also be useful. The roots are carefully removed from the main plant and laid out to dry for up to three months, depending on the intended use.
The dried roots are grounded to fine dust, or a brittle mixture, for a variety of uses; pigments, dyes, fire dust, spice, ointments, flavor additive, and more. It is also not uncommon to see either bundles or roots, or entire junior plants decorating a house for aromatic and ritualistic purposes, and the plant is believed to help ward off bad spirits in some remote villages.

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