Scrolls of the Messenger Item in Ulskandar | World Anvil

Scrolls of the Messenger

A scroll of parchment that has been imbued with magical energy by the creator that can be used to send messages instantaneously without the need of a physical entity to carry the scroll. When a message is written in the scroll and sealed, the scroll instantaneously disappears and appears before the person it is addressed to. They can be crafted by a spell caster using enchanted parchment. They are often given pre-addressed, as extra time and magically imbued ink are required to address them.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

If the scroll is pre-addressed, all the user has to do is write their message in the scroll and seal it shut. Once sealed shut the scroll will disappear and instantly appear before the addressee. If the scroll is not addressed, the address must be written out in ink infused with the blood of a Displacer Beast.
Item type
Base Price
400GP each
Raw materials & Components
Parchment, ink infused with the blood of a Displacer Beast. Can only be crafted by someone who knows the Teleport or Teleportation Circle spell.

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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