The Future of Uclandia in Uclandia | World Anvil

The Future of Uclandia

I see Uclandia as a land rich in stories. Stories about the people who live there, their struggles, their ambitions, their reach for power, or even just a better life.   Some of them are happy with their lives, some want better lives, some want simpler lives, but at the end of the day, they're all just getting by. Some, the ones who are really worth knowing and writing about, want to make their world better. Some of them want to leave a legacy behind that their children can be proud of, like poor Bahadur.   Some of them, like the Viscountess Oseya Adela, emerge from obscurity with dreams of a better life, never mind who they have to step on, or kill, to get that better life. She wants power, the Viscountess, and she's made damn sure that she's going to get it. It's come to her attention that someone wrote to the Emperor in the hopes he would have her recalled, and someone new put in her place. But a driven and well-paid member of her personal guard has been sent to intercept the letter and kill the messenger. The road is a dangerous place after all, and well-populated with hungry wolves.   But the Order of the Stars stands in her way, no matter how she's tried to squash them like the bugs they are. Despite her best efforts and all of her resources, promises, and people she controls, the Order will be her undoing. Or so it's been foretold. Without her title, her Obsidian Guard, her threats and deprivations that she's unleashed upon the people of Banern Province, at her heart, she is afraid of the future. But she can't let anyone know that. Not even her own companion, who chooses to stay hidden away but still whispers ideas in the dark.   Her companion will eventually be forced out of the shadows, and everyone will see her for who she truly is.   Will Oseya and her secretive companion be exiled from Wintershire as a new and unexpected force takes over?   The future of Wintershire, Banern Province and even all of Uclandia will be irrevocably changed.   Wintershire will be freed first from Oseya's tyranny.   School will be opened first for the children, then the university where intelligent questions will be asked, problems solved and tools invented that will make people's lives easier.   Of course, someone will have to write to the Emperor, to explain how his representative went overboard with her power, and tell him how she was overthrown by a motivated rebellion. The letter will also explain how Banern Province has held an election and put a person of their own choosing in their local seat of power. She'll report to him for now, but there have been mutterings about a future on their own. Separate from Imperial Rule.   Rumors will trickle back to Wintershire that the Emperor couldn't care less what goes on up in the frozen North. Banern Province has never been a money-maker for the Empire anyway, and whispers tell of an illegitimate daughter that has returned. So the Emperor is a little busy to be worrying about Banern Province.   And once all the hubub in Banern has settled down, what then?   Envoys will be sent out to each of the other provinces, with a bodyguard or two, in order to secure mutually beneficial trade agreements. There will be an exchange of ideas, and therein lies growth and prosperity for all. Except for one little thing...   The Emperor will realize that all this growth and prosperity isn't the good thing he originally thought it would be, because the provinces are re-investing. Uclandians will build a wave of self-sufficiency, and ride it into demanding self-government, more schools, more personal power, and replacing the Emperor himself. And where will that leave him?   When the social structure of Uclandia, the foundation of all of their lives for generations, crumbles, what will replace it? What will the Emperor and Empress do then? Brave the Ollmar Sea and retire with loyal servants? Will they be killed? Forced to make their own way through the remainder of their lives without any creature comforts? These questions will keep him up at night, and none of his advisors can help.   The only way to ensure the safety of his position is to stomp on the plans of those damned rebels who are giving the other provinces ideas.  Ideas contrary to the good of Uclandia. Disruptive ideas contrary to the good of his future.   His future depends on Uclandia being dependant on him. His rule and his future must remain in his control.   But will it?   Will the Empress agree with his choices, or will she too turn her back on him, despite their long history together? And what's he to do with this illegitimate daughter that's turned up out of nowhere?   (Many thanks to Dimitris for the idea and encouragement)

Cover image: by Johannes Plenio


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