Book of Nox Document in Egrica | World Anvil

Book of Nox

The book of Nox is widely regarded to be the most comprehensive collection of studies on flora and fauna in the known world.

While the book was written thousands of years ago, it has been protected by many different collectors and organizations throughout the centuries. Currently it resides in the Imperial Library of Gallus Herminius Falconius under strict guidance that noone is to be granted access to it's contents.

Although the descriptions of flora and fauna are completed to the utmost detail, the book also contains entries for obviously fictional creatures, plants, and even some descriptions of civilizations and cultures that are known only as myths.   Because of these obviously dilusional entries. Access to the document has been closely guarded, and scholars are only allowed to copy entries under the closest of observations. Many scholars have found themselves driven mad with the overwhelming desire to find and re-discover these fantastical creatures or cultures, only to never be heard from again.

The most famous disappearance was during the 3rd Era, when the book resided in the personal library of The Great Chay Akkad, within the walls of the Throne City of Chay Skal. Akkad became so obsessed with the secrets found within the Book of Nox, that he eventually began to forgo his duties as king, and then one day he ordered a large expidition to be formed. Within a week, he and 10,000 soldiers, researchers, and servants departed the Throne city, and travled into the distance. Never to be seen again.   The loss of so many qualified researchers, archeologists, scribes and other learned scholars, was a massive blow to the Chay Dynasty.

One scholar did return after 5 years, clutching the book closely to his chest. He was found to have his lips sewn shut, his tongue cut out and his hands chopped off. He died shortly after returning to Chay Skal, foiling any attmpts, by the Royal family, to ascertain where he had come from, and what had happened to their father, The Great Chay.

After that, Chay Akkad's children offered the supposedly cursed item, as a gift, to the Central Federation, and warned them of the power it held.


The book of Nox was the personal Journal of Phobos Nox, maintained throughout his decades of travel, where he catalogued every species of animal and plant that he witnessed.
Journal, Personal
Vellum / Skin


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