Logariopolus Species in Tunoda | World Anvil
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The logariopolus is a centipede-like create, which is often referred to as loog. They are popular for transportation purposes as their keen sense of direction, high awareness and fast pace allows for a well-trained logariopolus to be trusted with unmanned transportation tasks. They are popular working animal for rural or low-urban areas. Their size limits their maneuverability in small city streets.    Logariopoli exist in a variety of colors and sizes. Forest logariopoli are relatively small, with adult lengths ranging between two and four meters, diameter of around half a meter, toed feet for climbing and vibrant colors. Desert logariopoli are larger, with adult lengths up to ten meters, an average diameter of a meter, large webbed feet for stabilizing in the sand and earthen colors.

Basic Information


When first observing a logariopolus, one might think that it's a blind creature, since it's snout does not house any eyes. A large mouth, whiskers and a nose are present. The number of feet of a logariopolus is smaller than the number of legs. It is common for two to four legs to come together in one foot. Every single kneejoint houses an eyesocket.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mating logariopoli have their behinds light up in a fluorescent color. As long as the colors of two partners are of a different color, they are able to recreate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Logariopoli generally stick to plant-based diets. In cases of food shortage, some are known to resort to eating larvae.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though one feels observed when a logariopolus is near, all eyelids appear closed. This is because a logariopolus's eye automatically closes when it makes eye contact with the eye of a different creatures. The eyes that no other creature is looking at however, are open, unbeknownst to the observer. Most kinds of logariopoli do not have dark vision. The knowledge about their eyes was documented by people with darkvision who studied logariopoli in dark environments.   Logariopoli are mostly deaf, but their 360 degree vision and tremorsense allow them to be very aware of potential threats.
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
Wild logariopoli occur in remote places. Those that wander close to populated areas tend to be domesticated by people.


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