Kamiizumi Hidetsuna Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Kamiizumi Hidetsuna

Master of the Killing Blow

Kensei Kamiizumi Hidetsuna Ise no Kami Fujiwara no (a.k.a. 上泉 伊勢守 藤原 信綱)


  Kamiizumi Hidetsuna is many things. Though relatively young, she is the leader of a gang of rambunctious rōnin, a recognized Kensei, and apparently at some point in her past was a noble herself. She refuses to speak on her past, and the only remaining evidence of it appears to be her fine clothing, now tattered, and the white stuffed rabbit tied by its neck to her belt. Her left eye was lost through circumstances unknown, and she refuses to wear an eyepatch, instead enjoying the disturbing effect her empty socket has on others.   Though where she learned swordsmanship is again, unknown, Hidetsuna has spent her career learning the quickest, most efficient ways to kill someone with a blade. She freely admits that she enjoys the rush that comes with ending another person's life, and yet is not so far gone that she kills indiscriminately. Instead, she only takes the life of those she believes deserve it. As no-one knows exactly what criteria she uses to make this judgment, however, most people are quite nervous around her.   In terms of personality, Hidetsuna has a rough, devil-may-care attitude, and tries her very best not to care what other people think of her. Usually, they're afraid of her, and this is enough to make her satisfied. Still, she enjoys putting people, especially generals or nobles, off their balance, and causing trouble where she can without any serious consequences.   Her hobbies are varied, but she has dabbled in weapon forging, sewing, planning heists, as well as fishing and several martial arts. However, Hidetsuna's one true love is, and always will be, the sword.

Combat Role:

Kamiizumi Hidetsuna is a fragile, but dangerous fighter who can sacrifice her own safety to unleash a deadly single attack.  
  • Must accumulate for 1 full turn to use Issatsu no Tachi (may take other actions).
  • May make multiple attacks while using Issatsu no Tachi, but only one may be the technique itself.
  • When using Issatsu no Tachi, may sacrifice any amount of LP to increase damage by that amount.
  • Issatsu no Tachi costs double the indicated Ki Points, and Hidetsuna takes a -150 penalty to all actions after using. This penalty recovers at a rate of 10 points per round.
General Rank
General Type
Dark Purple
Blood Type
Current Location
Year of Birth
1539 20 Years old
Current Residence
Nijō Castle
Singular, higanbana red
Light brown, long, ribboned
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
112 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Prototype

Character Portrait image: 日ノ丸・真打 by コトバノリアキ


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