The Fall of Cereus Myth in Tseol | World Anvil
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The Fall of Cereus


The Saziir capital of Cereus was a city of many great wonders. The people lived well, fulfilled by life's gifts.  They strayed in that they were not thankful. They were greedy and fat on the fruit of Tseol until they looked through space to find more hedonism. They would leave Tseol as they wanted to through rifts in space, and when they came back they brought back new gods to pray to.  The gods of Tseol grew tired of Cereus' blasphemy and decided to show who had power in Tseol. They flooded the city, creating a lake, and pushed the people of Cereus and all their shrines in. They crumbled the towers and drowned the masses. All that remains are a few ruins at the lake's shore.

Historical Basis

There was indeed a city of Cereus in Saziir where modern day Asios is built. The stories of planar travel stem from the ancestors of the Saziiri, the Sa'alzir. The Sa'alzir were among the first to discover planar travel and by far its most interested students.  As for the city being pushed into the lake, the lake has grown in the ages since Saziir and there are a few ruins just beneath the water at the south shore. However the intervention of Gods in the proposed manner is likely all fictionalized as this is not how Tseol's Gods operate. The tales of hedonism and debauchery bringing the fall of Saziir too are fictions of religious morality preachings and are not based in any historical findings or true representations of the Saziir, who by all evidence, were devout Hepternists.


This myth is a very common tale in Waihohn and it is told often by zealots who warn against faithlessness. It is rarer in Coulesia but has spread even there, where the story of a city drowned by gods feels a caution against Waihohn itself.
Date of Setting
~500 S

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