The War for Okoda Military Conflict in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil

The War for Okoda

The War for Okoda was a bloody battle, started because the Malatia family wanted to rule the land, and needed a place to start. They started with their own home village, taking over swiftly and building their empire. They met in secret until their plan was ready. They attacked the village with fervor, going right for the chieftain. The people of Okoda tried their best to protect their village, but they ultimately fell to Malatia forces. No one hears the story of the Okodan people, simply because the Malatia family erased as much evidence as they could about their hostel takeover. The war lasted for three days, the shortest war in recorded history, and it started the world as everyone knows it today. It also started the current year system, and the uprising of other kingdoms across the world.
The small village of Okoda grew from there. No one would be able to leave, the royal family wouldn’t allow it. They demanded that the people stay to keep the kingdom thriving, and everyone was too afraid to tell them no. Okoda was an oppressed and terrified city. No one was allowed to do anything, and the Malatian family kept them scared. They couldn’t do anything, go anywhere, and it was all because of that first family.

The Conflict


The battlefield was the village of Okoda. The battle took place in the streets and the chieftain’s quarters. The family took the chieftain hostage until they got their way. The majority of the family kept the war going in the streets to show how serious they were being. They ended up getting what they wanted, but killed the chief anyway. They didn’t need him getting in their way.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
27-10-01 PC
Ending Date
01-01-01 PK
Conflict Result
The Malatia family won the land and built their empire


The Malatian Family
The people of Okoda


There were many family members involved in the war, and they were all well trained. They attacked by surprise.
They hadn’t trained for this, no one was prepared. Only the strongest stood a chance.


There were few casualties in the Malatia family. They won because of brute force and wit.
Nearly everyone of the village died fighting for it. There were only a handful of people left to tell their side of the story.


The Malatia family wanted land to built their empire. The found the perfect place and decided to take over.
The people of the village were trying to protect their land. They wanted to keep their village and their land.

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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