Melachian royal guard Organization in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil

Melachian royal guard

King Argyle and Queen Matilda have their own set of guards, separate from the police in the city. They serve and protect the royal family personally. They are stationed outside the castle as well as inside. The king has his own set of guards that he trusts with his life, they’ve been with him for many years now. Angus, Agnes, Daavis and Julen live in the castle and take shifts when protecting the king. The queen also has her own set of guards, and she loves them like children. Chia, Sino, Kit, and Lexica serve the queen and they usually have very nice conversations with her. Those eight guards are the most important, and the last line of defense for the king and queen. They protect the couple from anyone trying to harm them, but because no one ever really tries, or get stopped before they get that far, the eight guards are never working too hard. They mostly accompany the royal couple around the castle and the kingdom. They greatly enjoy their job, and would never want to look for a different one. They have grown close to family. There are many other guards that protect the castle and the people inside, but none of them ever get close to the royal family. They don’t mind though, because just getting to protect the castle is a high honor for any Melachian. Everyone loves the family, so getting to protect them against intruders is quite a big and important job. The royal family has never been attacked while their guards were on duty, so they trust them more than anything. They have to, or else they wouldn’t feel very safe.
Government, Law Enforcement
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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