Drubaar Species in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil


The Drubaar is a large mammal that resides on the island of Zafar. It is the apex predator of the island, but there are only a few left. Even with the small population, they do quite well. They don’t need a large population to survive. They are quite large, and have large teeth and paws. Their claws can cut through dirt and trees with ease, and their teeth sink into their prey easily.

Basic Information


Drubaars are very large beasts with long, sharp claws and teeth. They are quadrupeds, and have two powerful front legs, as well as two thick back legs. They have big strong tails, and thick pelts with dense fur. Their ears are pinned back, and their eyes are small, but ultimately useless.

Growth Rate & Stages

It only takes a month for a baby Drubaar to grow into an adult. After that month, they grow a thicker coat, longer and sharper teeth, and stronger claws. As they grow older, they go blind and what little sight they had before leaves them.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The sight on any Drubaar isn’t very good, but they make up for it in hearing and sensing vibrations in the earth. They can feel something move from 50 yards away, and hear it from 60 yards. They can sense the shape of something by how it feels in the earth, and can use a type of echolocation by using low grunts.
Conservation Status
There are few of them left, but they are not hunted. They can exist in small groups and stay alive even if there’s a dip in population. There’s around 70 of them left on the island, and the number has stayed pretty consistent for the past 100 years. No one has tried to help them because no one needs to.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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