The Realm Of Fire
The Realm of Fire is one of the Four Realms of Substantial. As the realm of Fire it is made of things on fire, made of fire, or generally that are very hot. The sky is said to burn, and the ground often runs as magma. Like a coin the Realm of Fire is a dual sided realm with the ground sandwiched between two layers of sky. Following as one might walk along a Mortal Realm, the Realm of Fire is large enough to be considered infinite but has a definite center. Up through the sky though one would reach the planar barrier to the realm. The realm is located with in the hemisphere of the Realm of Light.
The Realm of Fire has many of the same features as that of the Mortal Realms. There are mountains, most valcanoes, and rivers and oceans, though made of lava rather than water. As with all places that have life, or a simulacrum of that, there are many countries and kingdoms found on the Realm of Fire.
Fauna & Flora
Many, and nearly infinite, types of creatures live on the Realm of Fire. Most notably are the realms most dominate sentient species, The Firazard, a creature made of fire and the soul of a mortal from the realm of Pi. They make up a majority of civilization of the Realm of Fire. Other creatures of interest are the Fire Ray, large fiery rays similar to that of manta rays, that live in the atmosphere of the realm. They can grow to immense size, upwards of a kilometer in width, and have been known to have entire cities built on top of them.
Natural Resources
Iron, gems, and rock abound in abundance on the Realm of Fire. Despite the heat some things still manage to crystallize into usable objects. Beyond that there are many native herbs and plants of various uses that are traded across all the realms. Motes of Fire are particularly useful on the Mortal Realms and are prized trade items between the mortals and the denizens of the realm.
Dimensional plane
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A city On the top Of a manta ray Of 1 kilometer in width I'm in. I really get surprised by how many good and different ideas people have around here. Don't let it die!
This world is not dead but just on hiatus for a bit. Got inspired to do super heroes and I can't ignore my muse, so put this on a back burner for now.
Hey! You are Toshi to whom I suggested Furnace Man? I hope you are doing fine with the supers!
Yeah you can view all of those, or well the ones I have worked on so far at Victor's Folly (which is a place holder name)...Here