Zetaran Language in Trima | World Anvil
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Zetaran the language of the country that will the focus of many stories. Zetara

Writing System

the alphabet includes most of the phonology except t͜s. which will be written as a combination of the characters for "t" and "z"


Constenant dental alveolar postal veolar palatal velar uvular pharyngeal glottal Plosive P T K G ʔ nasal M N tap/flap ɾ fricatives θ Z ʝ lateral approximant l Vowels Affricates Front Central Back t͜s Close ɪ, i u Close-mid o Open-mid Open a


Zetara draws inspiration from nature and the elements for a lot of its roots.


word order: SVO in words such as "jaza'a" the word how being "jaza" and the word for is "a" merged into one words for "how are you similar mergings betweem vowels take place. they will have a glottal stop inbetween them


Zetara's vocabulary in continuously worked on by me and anyone willing to help. standing at 120 words at the current time.
Common Phrases
"komajo" (goodbye)   "ara" (hello)   "Jaza'a" (how are you)   "jê zupo!" (you idiot!)
Common Female Names
maja, kara, thêjo,
Common Male Names
Lozan, nêkan, rêmoe, gatha
Common Unisex Names

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