Mages Rank/Title in Trima | World Anvil
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"Standing higher than a king and power greater than that of armies"


This rank is the highest form of proficiency in magic. It requires a life time of dedication and practice. Aswell as having high magic abilities from birth. Attendance to a school of magic is also expensive, and the tools needed to cast magic are aswell.


You should be of the rank below mage. And have completed the training


The archwizard of whatever school you attented will deem you a mage if you pass the test.


A mage's duties depend on their location, if they are stationed in the military they are expected to be the highest form of offense and defense. However a mage can aquire vast wealth with their title if they tried. In time of need their country or school will call them to arms, and by vow they will be obligated to respond to a call directly from the king of their country of birth, or the archwizard of their school.


Since mages are the primary defense and offense against any threat too big for armies to handle. Keeping them happy is the number one priority for both common people and kings. Mages are sometimes more powerfull than kings. Their indirect influence in the economy and politics is immense.

Accoutrements & Equipment

equipment varies from mage to mage, it is made for the mage by the most skilled crafters in the world when they pass the test. To ensure everything is perfect. Although a staff and a cloak are most common

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

By death
Source of Authority
Their immense power and often wealth. Makes them loved and feared by both common people and leaders.
Length of Term
After passing a test you will remain a mage, If you refuse to answer a call to arms from the archwizard of your school. You will no longer be a mage for that school,

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