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The Battlefield

Zhàndì Shìjiè

Zhàndì Shìjiè (战地世界), known outside of the Jihdi Kingdom as the Battlefield, is the Heavenly Realm of Leigong, the God of Battle, Strength, and Storms.  

The Ten Magistrates

When one who worships Leigong dies, they, like all souls, are taken on Morrigan's River Styx by Charon the Ferryman to their destination: The Battlefield.   Once a soul has reached the Battlefield, they are greeted by the Magistrate of the first land of the Battlefield: King Yama.
King Yama by Jarhed
  King Yama is the leader of the Ten Magistrates of Heaven, also the Head Angel of Leigong himself. He is said to be the strongest of the angels and then is the one to watch over the weakest of souls and guard the entrance of the Battlefield from those who would bring wanton violence to it.   The Ten Magistrates judge when a soul is ready to pass on from one land of the Battlefield to the next. Each land is stronger than the next, with the pull of gravity on each one increasing.   It is said that each Magistrate has a specific type of person they seek out, with Yama's being an honorable fighter who is pure of heart. When a Magistrate finds what they are looking for, it is said they will leave their position to a weaker angel and follow that soul around to aid them for a time.  
King Qin'guang by Jarhed
The Magistrates are as follows:
  1. King Yama
  2. King Qin'guang
  3. King Chujiang
  4. King Songdi
  5. King Wuguan
  6. King Biancheng
  7. King Taishan
  8. King Dushi
  9. King Pingdeng
  10. King Zhuanlun
  Each Magistrate rules over a land of the Battlefield, and as one gets to the higher Battlefields, one finds weaker Angels. At the point of King Zhuanlun, he is the weakest of the magistrates, yet he stays with the strongest of warriors so that he may learn and get stronger. Alongside that, he stands alongside Leigong himself, who does not require protection from a stronger Angel.
Leigong wielding Yùzhào by Jarhed


Leigong is the God of Strength, Battles, and Storms, being the major religion of the Jihdi people.   Leigong and his angels are said to control the very storms that ravage Totania, and for that some say his Heavenly Realm is plagued with storms. However, Leigong does not just randomly strike, for he knows better than anyone that if a storm is a constant, then it loses all meaning.   Similarly, the God preaches that true strength comes not from an overuse of ones power, but instead from knowing when the right time to utilize strength is.   Those in Leigong's Heaven are constantly working to improve themselves, and it is believed that the souls who followed Leigong into the Battlefield are likely the strongest souls.   If a war were ever to break out among the Heavenly Realms, it would be a dreadful day for all enemies to see Leigong's spear, the Yùzhào, lifted above the field of battle.
King Yama takes count of the souls who reach this Heaven, sorting out those better suited to stay in the first land and those who should be given opportunity to move further beyond.   If one makes it to the second land, King Qin'guang is there to show ones true self in the mirror and help them find inner strength. Either the soul will then stay with King Qin'guang there on the second land, free from burdens, or can be given the opportunity to move on.   The process continues with each land, the soul getting stronger and stronger as they work with the Magistrates (or any singular Magistrate who has taken interest in them) until they reach Leigong himself.  


The Battlefield is broken apart into ten lands for each of the Ten Magistrates. These lands are individual planets in a solar system, lands surrounded by fierce storms and with intense gravity, each one stronger than the last.
King Zhuanlun by Jarhed
  One must utilize all of their strength to survive under the gravity of the first planet, and doing so trains them to get stronger and stronger. Once they have gotten used to living under one particular gravity, it becomes less of a chore (though not exactly normal to them). Then, they are able to jump more easily through the air and, if they are able to, off of the land and towards the next.   Getting to the next land, a soul of the Battlefield would find its gravity even stronger than the last, and the process repeats over and over again as one trains their strength.  

The Final Court of Heaven

The largest difference in the lands of Heaven comes when one reaches the last planet: Leigong's. It is governed by the tenth and weakest of the Magistrates, King Zhuanlun, and is known as the Final Court of Heaven.   Here, it is not so simple a test as the other lands of the Battlefield. For here, it is Leigong's personal test administered by himself and Zhuanlun, where the soul that makes it here must stay without fighting or training.
They must test their patience in some way deemed fit by those two giving out the test, be it watching paint dry, listening to a leak in the roof drip into a bucket until it finally stops, watching grass grow, or something of the sort. It is said to be one of the greatest tests of all, for one who has grown strong often itches to use that strength, but when one understands patience, Leigong says, they gain the truest and greatest of strengths.   The warriors who have completed the trial and live in the Final Court of Heaven are said to be the greatest warriors in all the realms, though there are very few able and willing to endure this final test of Leigong.   There is a great reward Leigong has for those who are patient: his pet monkey, Sprinkle resides with him in the Final Court. They watch over the tests and work with those undergound them. Then, it is said that Leigong, King Zhuanlun, or Sprinkle fight the one who completes the test to see if they truly understood its lesson and are ready. For ultimately, the way to beat them is to not throw a single punch, but instead to be patient.  

Other Courts

The other Courts of Leigong's Heaven on each land are unique in their own rights, but in general all that needs to be noted about them is that they have a Magistrate, a Court, and a settlement where the souls who made it to that land and decided to go no further live.   There are golden bridges between the lands, but it is said that one who has not reached and conquered the gravity of the next land cannot travel on the bridge, and that one can only go to a lower land on the golden bridge.

Cover image: by Free-Photos


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