Piper the Muscled Camel Myth in Totania | World Anvil
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Piper the Muscled Camel

The Bodybuilder of Avos

Piper the Muscled Camel is a mythical figure in Avos tales, said to be the seventh of Sainter's camels that led him to and from Lebalos.   There is some debate whether Piper existed. He did not pull Sainter's sleigh, but was said to protect it from the rear from any dangers. Stories of Piper did not originate from the first Avos, but instead were created later in Avos carols. Despite this, some do say that Piper was around during that time.  

The Tale

Piper was said to be a particularly buff camel, which terrified many of his fellow camels. Due to this, he was an outcast, as his abnormal strength was enough to hurt any who crossed his path.   Sainter, however, did not fear Piper. Sainter was powerful as well, and he saw Piper as a kindred spirit, one of the few who could understand Sainter's plight.
Sainter by Jarhed
This is why, when Sainter needed someone to guard his sleigh when he was leaving Lebalos, he approached Piper to stay behind him and protect him from the dangers of the desert.   After that, Piper stayed with Sainter and the others to keep them safe, and while they still feared him, they learned that they could still connect with him and get to know him better as well.  

The Carol

Piper became most famous from the Avos carol created by an Orc named Shokk Joy Spreader. Shokk wanted to spread Avos cheer to her people and the world with a tale of one of the camels, but she found the others to be boring. Therefore, she composed an Avos carol that has remained in the public consciousness.  

Piper the Muscled Camel

You know Flyer and Prayer and Dancer and Neigher,
Gifter and Thanker and Sainter and Bada.
But do you recall, the strongest Camel of all?   Piper the Muscled Camel
Had a very buff physique.
He wouldn't let you near him,
You could only hide and peek.   All of the other camels
Used to scream and run away,
They never let poor Piper
Carry 'round ol' Sainter's sleigh.   Then one sandy Avos night
Sainter came to ask
"Piper with muscles, so ripped,
Please protect me on my trip!"   Then how the desert feared him,
As he shouted out in rage,
"If you approach ol' Sainter,
Piper will crush your face!"

Cover image: by GregMontani


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