Champion of the Gods Rank/Title in Totania | World Anvil
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Champion of the Gods

Champions of the Gods are the great warriors who represent the domains of the Gods. Just as Gods have Priests to represent their domains, so too can they have champions to bring forth their will unto the world.  

The Title

Champions of the Gods garner great respect from all who are aware of their titles. This respect can morph into other feelings, such as hatred, fear, loyalty, or jealousy. Due to this, Champions may find various allies on their paths, but so too will they find many enemies.  


Being a Champion of the Gods means that one is an exemplar of the domain of their God or Goddess. It means they embody what the God or Goddess brings to Totania, and therefore are tasked with representing that very domain.   Each Champion holds the title of a domain from their Gods (Check Sidebar for More Info).  
Vodron Susk by Jarhed


Champions are often chosen as loyal followers of a God or Goddess. They have not only an understanding of a certain domain, but their very being exemplifies this domain, and the God or Goddess trusts them to carry out that domain without the God or Goddess needing to intervene personally. In that sense, they become like a right hand to the God.  


The duty of a Champion depends on the God and what Domain they represent. For instance, a Champion of Protection for Phrixus would be tasked with protecting what they deem worthy of protection or in need of protection, while a Champion of Destruction for Nergal may be tasked with destroying anything they must to carry out what needs to be done, or destroying those who have wronged them or those around them.   However, all Champions have one shared duty: to follow the will of their God and enforce it on the world as they see fit. This can lead them to conflict with each other, especially Champions of rival Gods like Phrixus and Helle or Izanagi and Tsukuyomi.  


Being a Champion comes with unique perks and powers. After all, putting oneself out there for a God who may not be loved by all the people one comes across must have some positives to make it worthwhile.
Nifi Bada by Jarhed
  Gods will often grant Holy Might to their Champions, granting a blessing that will often strengthen the Champion in a way they need. This Holy Might blessing will be specifically crafted for the Champion, and the blessing itself will almost always follow the domain which the Champion now represents.   Sometimes, this blessing takes the form of Divine Magic for those with Item Magics. Divine Magic changes a magic affinity to more closely fit a certain domain of a God or the personality and beliefs of the user. For instance, Vodron Susk initially had Luck Magic. When he became the Champion of Fate, it was turned into Fate Magic by Morrigan.   Another perk is reputation. Often, especially for those who become Champion of a species or ethnic group, they become a symbol for those people. Nifi Bada led the Gnomes to settle in their new lands and found Lebalos, so she became the Champion of Gnomes as she rallied them. Kilprax Ildial founded Zephys, the Magic College, and Yirthum and brought all of the Dragonborn together, so he became Champion of the Dragonborn.  

Historical Champions

There are many champions throughout history who have gained prominence. Some of these include:
  • Kath the Eternal- Champion of Metallic Dragons (Phrixus)
  • Nifi Bada- Champion of Gnomes (Helle)
  • Kilprax Ildial- Champion of Dragonborn (Helle/Phrixus)
  • Tankean Nimphonker- Champion of Greed (Helle)
  • Briffault Law- Champion of Law (Athena)
  • Vodron Susk- Champion of Fate (Morrigan)
  • Nalrik Tilrak- Champion of Justice (Phrixus)
Champions are often figures who will gain prominence, sometimes more than the priests of their own religion, as they must show the very meanings of the domains of their Gods or Goddesses. This often means they fight out in the world, while Priests more often spread their religions or help others follow it at the temples.

Major Domains

  • Izanagi- The Sun, Agriculture, Time, Light, Kamejin.
  • Tsukuyomi- Darkness, Poison, Betrayal, Ophidians, Anurans.
  • Athena- Invention, Law, Civilization, Neran.
  • Phrixus- Justice, Protection, Nobility, Metallic Dragons.
  • Helle- Greed, Envy, Draconians, Chromatic Dragons.
  • Morrigan- Death, Fate, Doom, and Korvians.
  • Hadur- Creation, Family, Community, Beards, Dwarves.
  • Selene- The Moon, Love, Illusion, and Elves.
  • Papatūānuku- Nature, Water, Nereids.
  • Mayowa- Magic, Art, Beauty, Fairies, Shafaians.
  • Leigong- Battle, Storms, Strength, Jihdi, Crocutions.
  • Ishtar- Fertility, Dreams, Minotaurs, Alzirgans.
  • Ninatta- Poetry, Music, Festivals, Gnomes.
  • Fortuna- Luck, Travel, Change, Air, Halflings.
  • Amukk- Mercy, Beginnings, Justice, Avians.
  • Sia- Knowledge, Prophecy, Skill, Emetians, Gnomes.
  • Kadakalan- Survival, Overabundance, Lizardfolk.
  • Erra- Famine, the Gourmet, Mishans.
  • Janus- Portals, Duality, Transitions, Mammen.
  • Tohil- War, Conquest, Goblins.
  • Nergal- Destruction, Slaughter, Orcs.
  • Irkalla- Loss, Pain, Giants.
  • Mimir- Secrets, Necromancy, Changelings.
  • Tartarus- Jail, Torture, Felids.
  • Nyx- Shadows, Lies, Fenn.
  • Satanael- Devils, Hell, Business, Trade, Bureaucracy, Fire.
  • Chernobog- Demons, Tyranny, Domination, Wolfmen.
Form of Address
His/Her/Their Blesséd
Alternative Naming
Guardian of the Gods / Warrior of the Gods / Protector of the Gods / Emissary of the Gods
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Life or Until Revoked by the Gods
First Holder

Cover image: by Tama66


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