Oroni Ethnicity in Tor'Saarn (classic) | World Anvil
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The Oroni people are a strain of mankind who make their home in the southern reaches of Sethir. They are a strange people, and are far more comfortable in isolation than the rest of the children of man. They are stocky in build, being well suited to the rough terrain of their homes, and have beige/grey-white skin. They are descended from the Tiorathan settlers who interbred with the native tribes of Demi-Astrals, who were likely of Malruun blood.  


The Oroni are a stoic people, well accustomed to their freezing homelands. They do however unite often enough for one common cause central to their culture, Cold Forging. The Oroni mastered this art long before the J'a-goroan of Tierdun in the east, and attribute this to their Godcaster Olrad.   In the past the Oroni had strong familial ties, living in tightly knit clans. However a shift in this culture occurred during the early second age after many of Oron'Hye's largest settlements were sacked, splitting families and leaving only a handful of lonely survivors. This change became solidified with the ascension of their lord Olrad to the role Godcaster of Independence.
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