Fireraze Isle Geographic Location in Tisera | World Anvil
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Fireraze Isle (Fire-Raze-Isle)


Fireraze isle is an undead infested isle, the lands itself is engulfed in ever burning flame which cannot be extinguished. Many of the cities are but remains of what once was, and those remains have been renamed for their former names has lost their purpose. The former name of the isle was "The evergreen Isle" but that name has since lost it's purpose for this dark and grim land with roaming undead and souls wishing for vengeance for the curse that has been put upon them, did not fit no longer.  


The story of Fireraze isle is a sad and worrying story of the Seralian kingdom, many knows not what truly is happening on the the isle that was formerly known as "The Evergreen Isle", those who do question why the undead are seeking vengeance for the tragedy. It is known that the curse of the isle came form a "magical explosion" from the wizards tower in the city that is now known as "cursefell". Many suspect someone delved too deep into the leylines and the magic and likely something darker, this curse for many years was irrevisibe, until now.   An expidition was launched to the isle in hopes of restoring the wasteland of Fireraze Isle, to the once green and lucious lands it once were, on this expidtion was a renowned elf for his abilities and power in the pools of magic Zhoron Lialar.   Zhoron discovered that the curse of Fireraze isle could be reversed, but not easily as the cost would be great, the cost of reverting this curse was life itself, he tried to find other ways that would not cost that high of a price but there was none, this was a curse none had seen before, but king Laeroth Bisandoralagreed to the only choice available and promised those who would offer themselves in forcing the curse back, would be carved into the history of the kingdom and into the chamber walls of Dawnwick, many was hesistant but some was brave and chose to sacrifice their lives for the well being of the world.   In todays time some of Fireraze isle has been restored, but at a large costs which is still costing the Kingdom, as the strongest mages of the lands are asked to uphold the fight against the curse and to offer themselves to push it back. Many mages are hesitant when offered but knows the cost of doing nothing, some try to find new ways to combatant it but none has succeded doing so, none outside of the expeditionary force. The expeditionary force was formed back when Zhoron discovered a way to push it back, it was comprised of Zhoron and a handful of experianced mages, which till this day are trying to find solutions to clear the undead invasion upon the lands, and holding the tide of undead back from the rest of the kingdom.


Seralian Kingdom


Undead Wolfs, Undead Deers, Undead Squirrels, Undead Rabbits, Undead birds.