Realm of Forms Geographic Location in Tiranon | World Anvil
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Realm of Forms

The physical realm is not all. There is a higher realm from which everyday people, objects, concepts, etc. derive their ultimate meaning and essence. This Realm of Forms, a higher level of reality, can be drawn into our own through manipulation of certain signs, runes, and words to create magical effects. For example, by accessing the Realm of Forms, it is possible to summon fire, peer into the future, and even speak with the dead. But to access this realm requires deep meditation and carries with it potential for corruption and disaster for the unwise and unwary. What is more, though exposure to the Realm of Forms increases one's lifespan, casting spells takes life energy away from the wielder -- hours, days, or even years off a lifespan. This is the Price of Magic.


A realm of pure forms, where ideological imperatives, pure emotion, and other idealistic notions dwell. The only mountains are the very idea or concept of Mountain. The only river, the concept of River. Etc.

Fauna & Flora

Every created being has its own form. There is even a form for the gods. This form is thought by some to be Azura or even older than the Skyking himself.

Natural Resources

Through meditation, wizards and sorcerers are able to access the realm of forms and bring about change in the physical world. These changes happen due to the concentrated presence of one or more of the forms.
Dimensional plane

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