Elvish Species in Tietheria | World Anvil
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The Elvish are an ancient race, possibly out dating that of humans. Believed to originate from the forests of the world, the elvish kind have spread into almost every major civilisation. Not much is truly known about Elvish history much of it being lost even to the Elves themselves. Naturally agile and masters of bows. It is not uncommon to find those of Elvish kind in professions such as assassins and rouges.

Basic Information


The Elvish resemble humans in almost every way other then their pointed ears. The length of an elf's ear can vary, but is greatly affected by the parents. Although it had come to be understood that those living in the forest or woodlands tend to have naturally longer points. But it is not totally unheard of in the cities.

Biological Traits

beyond the obvious trait of pointed ears, the elvish commonly have strangely colored eyes. It is far more common to see an elf with purple or yellow eyes than it is in humans. However, it is something that can be last from an elvish mother to her child if the father is human. It does not seem to work as well if the Elvish parent is the father.

Ecology and Habitats

Despite having once been creatures of the Earth, many the Elvish kind have spread far from the forests of the ancestors and are found in almost every major city, across the world. Although some still prefer to reside in the forests of old.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Elvish dietary needs are very much the same as those of humans, however they have mastered getting the very best out of whatever they do eat. Creating small ration portions that not only last a long time but are enough to make a traveller satisfied but not feeling full.  The Elvish of the woods, tend to have a more earthy feel to the food they eat, and take a great about of their ingredients from the forest. While the Elvish of the city regions tend to be more delicate in their food and the presentation of it.

Biological Cycle

The Elvish, have a life span very much the same as their human counter parts. The only notable difference to date is that it takes longer for old age to effect them, and tend to live over 100. Although this is happening less and less.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Although their intelligence is not that different from that of a Human, the Elvish are found to a better understanding of most things magical and tend to learn it faster then their human counterparts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elvish tend to have a naturally heightened senses. With better eye sight, hearing and sense of smell. They are also far more sensitive to taste, which may explain why they are so particular about the dishes they eat. Although not unheard of, it is nor common, but there are some Elvish who have even more sensitive senses then their Elvish kin.  The Elvish also have a natural inclination towards magic, and magical abilities.
100 - 130

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