The Moon; More than Meets the Eye Geographic Location in Three Colleges | World Anvil
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The Moon; More than Meets the Eye

The Moon is an ever present entity in most myths the world over, and for good reason. It sits heavily in the night sky. Not a single soul on this world has failed to notice it at least once and come to their own conclusions of how it must have got there or what sort of powers it may have. For most of human history it was entirely out of our reach. Both in the physical sense, as we had no wings to fly up there and touch it, and in the non-physical sense. Astral projection is unable to cross such a massive distance and many believe that the moon resides just outside of the limits of the world-soul, or astral realm as it is commonly called.   Yet in the last half a century we’ve managed to craft a vessel that can take us there. Man has set foot on the moon. We’ve even constructed a colony on it where undead and automatons work together for the betterment of man’s knowledge. Through this we have done many studies of the moon and its composition and there are a few elements of it that was both surprising and intriguing.   First and foremost, the moon’s sand has small quantities of silver in it. Yet the moon itself does not seem to have any surface level silver deposits nor volcanic activity necessary to upend silver to the surface. It is also evenly distributed across the entire face of the celestial object. This is inexplicable using physical science, yet when we look to the metaphysical we may come to some answers.   The moon being composed of silver is a very common belief among the world’s religions and folktales. This is most likely because of the silvery sheen of the moon’s light and more primitive peoples imagining what could be the cause of such a coloration. A prevailing theory for the source of the moon’s silver is the dreamstuff of mankind. That we, collectively, shaped the moon’s surface in a small, inconsequential way through our combined belief. An act of magic in which no words of power were spoken. This is the first bit of evidence to suggest that the theory of divine mortality, the idea that mortals shape reality with their shared beliefs, can have a fully physical effect rather than just altering the astral plane.   In compliance with the theory of divine mortality, however, rock from the moon has proven to be exceptionally enchantable. Much like some stones and plants in the world that, through belief in their magical properties, can easily be made magical through a mage’s will, moonstones have similarly had their ability to be shaped by magic greatly magnified. Particularly with enchantments pertaining to the manipulation of the sea and water, but also in invoking spells of great change. Just as many transformative spells are linked to the moon’s phases due to the ease it creates for the spellwork so too do the moon’s rocks carry enchantments that change the physical form of the holder more easily, allowing for a wide range of amulets that can allow an individual to easily shift between forms.   Moonstones are, of course, very expensive. But the expense is well worth the sheer reliability they provide. After all, amulets of such a kind had a nasty habit of not always working as intended, and when transforming your physical form one really tends to favor not stopping the transformation halfway through.
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