Sargot's Undying Organization in Thormose | World Anvil
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Sargot's Undying

Harbored within the ruins of Voh, Sargot's Undying is a group hellbent on obtaining knowledge not of this realm. Their leader Sargot preaches lessons while including his own personal lectures of the world. The most promising of students are showered with powerful gifts, showing the potential students have if they are diligent and loyal. People keep their distance when they travel to trade or make deliveries. Even though they are scholars, their appearance can be intimidating. Loose dark robes with their sigil boldly displayed, 3 interlocked circles. Often bearing some kind of blunt instruments as they travel about, some people say they've seen them threaten individuals behind what should've been a closed door.    Members do not travel often and prefer to stay in Voh to practice and train, awaiting the next lesson delivered by Sargot himself. If you were to attend a lesson it would look and sound more like a religious presentation. Thanking unseen powers that move and shape the cosmos without ever mentioning the pantheon themselves.


Sargot is called the Undying, the most prestigious and honored title within his organization. He is the grandmaster that selects students among the ranks and teaches them what he knows. From his position he decrees what the group shall do and how they will go about it. He will also orotate to the entire collection of faithful students about new religious findings he has meditated on. The selected student become his Chosen, these are individuals that show great promise as masters over magic and a competent in combat. Sargot also looks for leadership qualities in order to help self manage the school.


Some  of the core beliefs involve the theme of taking what they deserve. Those outside of the cult are below them, making them targets for any nefarious deeds. Within the group is a close bond among each other. A communal system where everything shared among each other. Members are also encouraged to lift each other up, study hard, and bring in goods when able.

Public Agenda

To people outside the cult see them as a rude group of scholars. Members encourage only the most determined students of magic users to join. There is a vetting process to rid those that might be considered unwanted.


Sargot's Undying has repurposed the ruins of Voh within the Eastern Reaches. The once populated city now harbors scattered groups of the cult, certain locations house specific uses. A potion laboratory is in constant use, often producing goods for companies. This allows a stream of money to come into the group. They have a small fleet of stolen wagons from peasants or traders caught on the northern trail.    The grand prize within Sargot's cult would be the forsaken temple grounds within Voh which has been retrofitted to house Sargot's chamber along with creation rooms to stich together undead creatures.


Sargot was a loyal to his patron god until his abandonment during the Varden Invasion. Laying on the battlefield, injured and bleeding, he awaited his death. As the clashing armies frontlines moved farther away, a robed figure took to the field. Sargot was able to see it plundering bodies and harvesting certain body parts of the fallen. Once it stumbled upon a dying Sargot it offered a hand to help him live. Sargot accepted and quickly began a mentorship. This old man taught Sargot the darker arts of magic. Soul stealing, life eating, and spiritual enslavement was taught to Sargot, but he came to the realization that not everything was being taught to him. Sargot entered his mentor's quarters and found a tome bound in old flesh with other worldly runes scattered about. Once discovered, Sargot slew his master and began his determined studies alone. Reemerging only to obtain understudies to help obtain his ultimate goal of godliness.
"The 3 Truths Sigil, it is said that the 3 circles represent: Life, Death, Magic
Members live at the center point of knowing, holding power over all 3."  -- Boris K. BFIDF Officer
Religious, Cult
Voh was a vacation hub within the Eastern Reaches belonging to the The Trade Lands, it was completely torched during the Varden Invasion. It became a place for practicing necromancers to find corpses left behind or forgotten. Sargot saw the ruined city as the perfect spot for his school, treaties between the 2 countries leave this place abandoned, the location is far from travelers, and bodies can still be found.

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