levitite Material in This Fantabulous Multiverse | World Anvil


Levitite is a metallic mineral that has the ability to react against the pull of gravity.   Levitite only works in universes where magic does not exist. In universes where both magic and physics occur, levitite's force is weak and not worth the trouble to utilize. In those cases, it is best to find some magical means of levitation.


Material Characteristics

The mineral has the consistency and malleability similar to that of soft iron. It can be combined with other elements and minerals much in the same way as steel is produced in order to make it more durable.   The substance is unknown to most people of Earth as there are no deposits of it on that planet to speak of. The handful of those that know theorize that it is a dark matter equivalent of iron. However, this theory, like all theories regarding so called "dark matter" must be taken with a grain of dark matter saltulite.

Physical & Chemical Properties

When an electric charge is administered to the metal, it produces a field of anti-gravitons. This field pushes against the nearest and strongest objects of mass to produce an opposite force. Attaching objects to activated levitite and controlling the voltage allows for a convenient form of levitation in non-magical worlds.

Life & Expiration

Like iron, levitite reacts to oxygen, particularly water, and creates a substance indistinguishable from common rust.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Used on any machine, vehicle, or device requiring levitation against gravity.
While levitite is far more rare than elemental iron in general, in some universes or in certain galaxies or planets, it can appear to be as common as other rare metals (e.g. gold, platinum, etc.).
a very muted, dull gray

Cover image: Fantabulous Cover by Shaudawn


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