cobber bark Material in This Fantabulous Multiverse | World Anvil

cobber bark

The bark of the Cobber Cedar is used for things such as basketry, cordage, ropes, mats, and even some clothing like rain hats. The bark can only be harvested at a certain time of year, when it can be removed in long strips. This must be done with care, as stripping too much bark will kill the tree and turn the cobberwood wood hard. To prevent this, the harvester should only harvest from trees which have not been stripped before. After harvesting, the tree should not used for bark again, although it may later be felled for wood.


Material Characteristics

The tough fibers help keep the wood of the Cobber Cedar from drying out. But during the wet season, the bark changes composition and can be removed in long strips, which are then dried into cordage that is strong, flexible, and resistant to mold and water.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is a rough fiber, and although it can be used for some textiles (especially clothing that resists water) it is not very comfortable. If woven and cured correctly, it can be used to make a cobberwood-like cable or rope that retains its usable flexibility.

Life & Expiration

cobber bark fiber is susceptible to rygcrym (ironeater lichen), but unlike Cobberwood, it can be burned (albeit with a little difficulty).

History & Usage

Everyday use

cordage and plant-based fiber

Industrial Use

thin woven strips can be used on anything from basketry to either repel or store water to some water-resistant clothing to roofing material

Cover image: Fantabulous Cover by Shaudawn


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