White Raven (SC'20) Item in Theria | World Anvil

White Raven (SC'20)

Written by Steve Tremblay

For hundreds of years, ravens were used as a communication method all over Theria. The birds were easily trained to return to one of two single places to deliver messages.   As roads became better and civilization grew, ravens became less frequently used to the point that it was almost non-existent. In the past 30-40 years only those wishing to send message long distance without risking a horse and rider. The ravens would generally fly at several hundred feet high putting them out of range of all but the most skilled bowmen and magic.   In the last 15 years, a group fighting against the (then) Overwatch formed when former employees of King Zannon Carter could not take what was happening and left. Formed by Trias Draverson and later Liara Bryos the White Ravens would become the biggest thorn in the side of the Overwatch. When the person who would become their leader until the eventual dissolution, Briahna Ebelmare: The History joined, the Ravens would become a world class guerrilla army.   From simple portrayals to a basic single line drawing, the raven has become a symbol for resistance and for those trying to make the world a better place. The "official" logo is normally worn by those actually in the service of the White Ravens on an armband hidden under other clothes (see sidebar).   The more simple designs are used for marking paths, meeting spots, drop off locations or any other reason the shadow group would need to mark a location.   They also still use real ravens for messaging between separated groups. A magical bracer acts as a homing device for the trained birds allowing them to find a mobile delivery spot.   The White Ravens have effectively been disbanded for several years now but on occasion a raven drawing still shows up in places where there is some dissent for the local government or where it serves as a beacon for someone needing outside help. There are still those who try to uphold the ideas of helping others and making the world better for everyone even if the official organization no longer exists.
White Raven by Jason Massey


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