Meiriana Mahariel Character in TheDAS: The Dragon Age SPACE | World Anvil
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Meiriana Mahariel

Meiriana Mahariel (a.k.a. Meiri, Mahariel, elgar'dalen)

"I don't understand what you find so fascinating about 'my logic', is my logic not just logic?"

Meiriana was born 2 Guardian 9:7 Dragon, to mother Adaia and the previous Keeper of Clan Sabre. It's unclear to Meiriana whether or not her parents got together before or after her father became the Keeper. As a child, Meiriana was raised by Ashalle a friend of her parents, and Keeper Marethari. She was sighted to become First to the Keeper, but even after training under Marethari for a while as a child/teen, Meiriana didn't show enough magic to continue officially being the First, and so she began being trained as a hunter instead.

As daughter of the previous Keeper, before it was determined she didn't have enough magic to sustain the role of First, she was trained in many leadership skills and trusted by the clan. As it stands, she's the Second apprentice to the Keeper in all but name. Marethari and her first, Meiriana's best friend Merrill still train Meiriana in what magic she can use, and she's the defacto leader of all hunts and looked to to resolve any dispute deemed troublesome enough to not be left alone, but not trouble enough to bother Marethari with.

Meiriana is generally a relaxed person, and her mild manner, difficulty with speech, knack for reading people's emotions, accompanied by her uncanny ability to calm almost any wild creature with a few words or a look and the relative ease at which she gets animals to follow her command, has led some to believe that when she was born a nature spirit possessed her. Many over the years have claimed this, and just as many have tried to refute it. Meiriana never takes a side in the argument, believing being called elgar'dalen is a compliment, even if it's not correct.

Mental characteristics


Meiriana was raised and trained by the Keeper of her Clan. As such, she's more knowledgeable than most about the history of the Elves. She's also decently sufficient with basic forms of magic, such as starting a fire, or weaving scents into objects. She does not claim herself to be a mage, however, as that implies a level of skill she does not believe herself to possess.


Prior to the beginning of the story, Meiriana did not have a 'job' as humans would understand it. She fulfilled the role of Lead Hunter of her clan, as well as Second to the Keeper being (however unofficially) apprenticed to Merrill and Keeper Marethari.



Because of the difficulty she has with auditory processing (turning thoughts into speech) she often talks with her hands, her clan has learned to understand her signs and as such she's become something of a pioneer in the matter of Dalish Sign Language, she's also quick to pick up on other people's signs.

Later In Life

After spending time among Humans, and other races, as a Grey-Warden, Meiriana began work on a form of Common Sign Language with the intention of making communication easier for people who can't speak or can't hear other people speak.


Meiriana speaks, often times very slowly and that's only when one can get her to use her voice at all. She's also rather softspoken. Most of the time, she choses not to use her voice. To that end, when she does speak she does so usually with a degree of confidence in what she wants to say, though often she ends up misunderstood because she has difficulty with wording.

Date of Birth
14 Guardian 9:7 Dragon (23 years old)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Second to the Keeper (unofficial)
  • Warden-Recruit
  • Grey-Warden
  • Show spoiler
  • Hero of Ferelden
  • Commander of the Grey
  • Birthplace
    The Brecillian Forest
    dark brown, almost black
    short, messy, black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    medium brown
    4'11 (149cm)
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations


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