The Skulls of Ixthra Item in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Skulls of Ixthra

A Symbol of Ixthra

"...Ixthra is a strange place that represents yet another threat, grasping for a hold upon the Material Plane... The Necrotian Government has hesitated to tell the other countries of the Material Plane about the strange keep in the middle of nowhere on this forgotten peninsula, but I'm not sure that that choice is the right one."
- Anonymous Necrotian Delegate

General Info

The Portal of Ixthra is a gateway to the Shadowfell that was the start of Ixthra's insatiable desire for dominion over the Material Plane. For this reason, this one-way portal is heavily guarded on the receiving side in the Shadowfell; However, this does not mean that there is no way to get through to the Shadowfell using the Portal of Ixthra. The Ixthrians warriors and guards who are guarding the portal will let anyone through if they are carrying a human skull, earning this symbol the name "The Skulls of Ixthra". This peculiar and somewhat dark choice of item makes a random traveler having a skull uncommon, but someone who is loyal to the Ixthrian government will most likely be able to procure a human skull quite easily in dungeons or dangerous wilderness areas.

Ixthrian Spies in the Material Plane

Most of those who are Ixthrian and find themselves going through the Portal of Ixthra are usually spies for the Ixthrian nation, sent to the Material plane through a temporary portal from the Shadowfell to scout out the assets and structure of the nations of the Material Plane. It is also common that these spies from Ixthra bear the mark of Ixthra, a skull with a candle perched upon the top of it, but showing the symbol of Ixthra is not necessary to enter into the Shadowfell through this interplanar portal.


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