The Phantom War of Material Ixthra Military Conflict in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Phantom War of Material Ixthra

Suza's Perfect Blossom

General Info


The Unexpected Cause of The Phantom War

Once, there was an extremely powerful Necrotian Warrior by the name of Suza Okiyai. At the age of sixteen, Suza ventured out of her home in northern Necrotus and scaled the northern mountain peaks of Necrotus, claiming that "there was a strange cold air coming from the north that must be cleansed if Spring was to come". Nearly four months later, Suza returned wearing clothes fashioned herself with a wild and grizzled look in her eyes. She said that she had found the cause of the cold and destroyed it, but what she did not say was that the cause of the supposed "cold from the North" had been many ghosts and phantoms dwelling in Material Ixthra. Suza Okiyai became an honored warrior later in her life, but her young conquest of the Ixthrian lands led to an unexpected consequence that would cause the coming Necrotian generations many problems.

The Phantom War of Material Ixthra


The Start of The Conflict

As ghosts do not age, the phantoms that Suza faced in Material Ixthra remembered and consequently recognized the Necrotian people as a threat, so they kept their distance from Necrotus; however, this did not stop Necrotian explorers from journeying to map out Material Ixthra. The phantoms felt threatened by the presence of Necrotians in their land and retaliated accordingly, killing a few Necrotian explorers. This went back and forth, each side taking more and more extreme measures to destroy or deter the opposition.  

The Current State of the War

To this day, the Necrotian military still keeps an eye on Material Ixthra, as ghost sightings and attacks there are quite common. Luckily, the fighting has settled down over the years, but there is still a heavy tension between the spirits of Material Ixthra and the Necrotian people.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
752 PG
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The spirits of the Ixthrian strait and beyond are now hostile to any travelers they may perceive as Necrotians.


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