The Forests of Malarc Geographic Location in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Forests of Malarc

The Forests of Malarc are the tainted thicket surrounding The Dark Citadel, Undarin. It is said whoever enters the forest, if they survive, come out much different than their past self, warped by the unnatural state of the area's magic. It is infested with many unnatural and dark monsters, such as Beholders and Animaterials.


The forests of Malarc are much like Mirkwood. Its terrain varies quite a lot, but so little of it has been charted that much of it is unknown. Only one road goes through the forests, and very few travel on it, preferring to go around the area. It is also said that there are many entrances to The Underdark here, so that many Underdark creatures have crawled up into the surface world.

Fauna & Flora

This area is a very large portal to the Shadowfell, the Material Plane of Shadow. For that reason, the top of the food chain in The Forests of Malarc are Shadow Dragons which have crossed over from The Shadowfell. Below them are the anti-social Beholders, drawn to the tainted state of the area, hiding in their lairs and brooding in the darkness. Then come the lower predators: Animaterials and Hook Horrors. Below all the predatory is the Ettercap, which is simply caring for its spider young. Finally, we come to the normal creatures, including rats, ravens, and a vast amount of insects.
Alternative Name(s)
The Tainted Thicket
Location under

Cover image: by Brands Amon


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