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Bone Burning

Burning Bright

One spark and it's lit   Trust your heart and your wit   Dragon's age will be fit   And soon they will quit  
- The Hopeful Lullaby
  Hope was a rarity among the Finite Races during the Tyranny of Dragons. Their Draconic overlords saw them as fleas and pests, and so some began to see themselves in that light, as well. But in the devastation a hope was born, a hope to outlive their tyrannical rulers. To keep this flame alive, a tradition was born in the central regions of Khazan: bone burning. By scorching bones until they are charcoal black, the concept of a Dragon's death by both pride and old age is passed down from generation to generation. It was a simple act in which even the worst off could participate, and one to keep away the greatest monster of all: the despair in each mortal's heart. These scorched bones were also commonly used as indicators to other mortal survivors, marking safe areas.


After its inception in Khazan, specifically after the overtaking of Kragzbarg, the tradition of bone burning began to catch as it was practiced all throughout the main continent. In a way, it was the first thing that truly united the Finite Races during the Tyranny of Dragons.


The beauty of bone burning is that it is such a simple tradition, and that is what gives it power. Any sort of bones, animal bones or otherwise, can be used, and even a bit of kindling can make a fire that will eventually scorch the bones. This tradition is often done in groups as a solace, distraction, and symbol all at the same time.


For most wandering survivors, bone burning could take place as frequently as every day at a set time or as infrequently as once a month. Truly, all that mattered in the moment was to keep the tradition and its deeper meaning alive.
Important Locations


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