Savdo Kayda Character in The World of Wind and Waves | World Anvil
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Savdo Kayda


  Born the daughter of one of the human groups who came to settle the Cilostratan Expanse, flying and the flying ships of the area fascinated Savdo from a young age. Her family were traders going back to her Great-Great Grandfather’s time in Obrok. Now they ran a small trading company, catering to the locals and living quiet, happy lives.   Then a representative of the Volitant Merchantry arrived in town. He came to visit, trying to persuade her father to sell their company to the guild. To her father it was a point of honour to refuse them. He had never trusted such large run organisations; he prided himself on the personal touch. Catering for the people who contracted him.   This started a long-running feud with the Guild. As she grew up, her father fought and fought. She saw him grow more distant, more desperate. Until the day he finally broke and admitted they had lost. He had exhausted all their finances trying to stay afloat and had run out of options. By this point, the Guild didn’t even want to buy their company. They knew it was no longer a threat to their bottom line.   After that he declined quickly, turning to drink and sitting for long periods staring out of the window at the great expanse of clouds. It wasn’t long before he sickened and eventually died. At his funeral Savdo vowed to her father’s spirit she would avenge him. She would take down the Volitant Merchantry, or at very least be a constant thorn in their side. Her mother tried to talk her out of it, but she would not listen.   She set out the very next day on a trade ship heading towards the nearest Guild outpost. Planning to watch them and figure out where she could do the most damage. She never arrived, however, as sky pirates attacked her ship. It was an easy prize for them to take. They took the crew and passengers prisoner, planning to ransom or sell them off somewhere. Savdo demanded to see the Captain. After her asking day in and day out, he finally relented and gave her an audience. She told him why she was travelling and what she wanted to do and asked to join his crew. Laughing in her face, he declined her request. At this she fought and broke free from the guards holding her, barrelling into him and knocking them both to the floor. Even restrained, she tried to fight him; biting and butting at him. When they finally pulled her off him he was still laughing, but this time in delight instead of mockery. He told her she had impressed him with her fire and fighting spirit. She would need that to work on his crew.   And work she did. Unaccustomed to the level of effort expected of her, always exhausted by the end of the day, but she got used to it quickly. Finally, she thought, she was in the clouds aboard an airship, where she had always dreamed of being. When they took their first Guild ship, she was exultant. She knew this was where she belonged. Her knowledge of trade patterns and practices made her stand out again to the Captain who promoted her up through the ranks as she proved herself, eventually making her his 1st officer.   After decades of attacking Guild ships and hiding from them in Merir Neadair, the Captain came to her. He explained he was being elevated; they had voted for him to become @gove of the pirate town. Largely in part to her hard work and skills. He wanted her to join him, to continue her quest to break the guild in other ways. Picking apart the guild from the skies would not happen. They were too big, too rich. However, she might find success if she could direct many captains to attack them. He would allow her to set large bounties on Guild trade, point the directionless pirates at specific choices. Her choices.   Seeing the wisdom in his plans, she accepted.   Now she runs the trade quarter in Merir, aided by her group of cutthroats she named the Isowo, after her father. The amount of money she has taken from the Guild has increased a hundredfold. She hears reports that the guild has set a bounty on her head and that is a vast sum of money.   This makes her happy.

Appearance and Identifying Features

  Standing at around 6 foot 3 inches she towers over the native halflings that live in the Expanse. If that didn’t do it, her dark-coloured skin points her out as a non-native. She keeps her hair tied up and shaved on the sides. During one period where she had been captured, she had the rings pulled by force out of her ears, leaving them torn.   She favours simple clothing, something easily pulled on when the ship was being raided or about to raid another.

Savdo Kayda

In her usual dress, with the ship's cat


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