Unicorn Species in The World of the White Changeling | World Anvil
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Considered noble beasts of the forests, unicorns are reclusive, only interacting with humans when and if they choose. They are best known for their healing abilities, but are also known for being fierce fighters when they need to be, and dangerous to cross.

Basic Information


Unicorns are deerlike in appearance, with a white coat, although they do not seem more susceptible to sunburn the way an albino deer would be. From their forehead grows one long, white horn. It is smooth, with a slightly spiralling shape, but is overall straight.

Ecology and Habitats

Usually, they live in forests and are extremely elusive. Some, however, live in wild places near human habitation and can be approached for healing and other requests, if they choose.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They tend to eat leaves, bark, berries, and groundcover in forests. They can also eat grass, clover, and similar plants. While they do not tend to eat domesticated fruit or vegetables, they are able to and enjoy them.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their horns are still capable of healing and of neutralizing poison when detached from their body, and in fact nearly every part of their body can be used for various medicinal and magical purposes. This is undoubtedly why they are so rarely seen, and so choosy about who they interact with.

Average Intelligence

Unicorns are renowned for their intelligence and wisdom, and some of those who will sometimes see human visitors may give advice or help resolve difficult problems.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their most famous ability is that of healing and neutralizing poison, which they do with their horn. They must do this actively, however, which means that if they choose to fight, their horn will instead be a deadly weapon.   Unicorns also tend to have powerful inherent magic, and heal very quickly and cleanly from any injury or illness.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They share a dialect with other magical creatures, which comes through more or less thickly depending on their fluency with human dialects and depending on who they're speaking with. This dialect, while shared, does tend to vary across different kinds of magical creatures, and unicorns are no exception in having some of their own unique linguistic features.
Usually more than a century
Related Ethnicities

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