Peoples of Ten in The World of the Guardian Dragon | World Anvil

Peoples of Ten

The Peoples of Ten is the major religion of Ager, though no one is obligated to participate in its rites and celebrations; everyone is free to practice or not to practice their own religions.   There are multiple temples, momuments, and statues dedicated to different gods around the land, and they are common sites of visiting during the Follower's Tour. Usually, an Agerian follows one deity more closely than the rest, even if they believe in and pray to the others, and during this Tour, they make a pilgrimage of sorts to honor this one god. The routes vary depending on both the god and the individual's own preference, and for many, the Tour is not only a chance to find themselves, but to also see their country. Some travel in groups, some alone, but at least the nobility usually do so in the company of a bodyguard. Some travel only to the closest location dedicated to their god, returning home during the same day, while some tour the whole country from South to North, journing for even several years.   The Peoples of Ten has ten gods, and for all them, excluding Builder and Lanternkeeper, a representative is chosen; some are given greater responsibilities, for example as High Priests and members of the Royal Council, as well as the teachers of their god's ways. For many, this nomination is mostly a formal honor, for though the representative of Hunter may be considered the most skilled hunter with better commerce, there isn't always any actual benefit to it, and some do not get too many invitations to the Court.   The Ten have been divided in three groups, according to the order of their arrival:   The Firsts: Hunter, Smith, Builder, Priest; they built the world and taught the Peoples to live in it. The highest of the is the Builder, and she is called Maliya.   The Seconds: Emperor, Guard, Knight; they broke the peace, brought it back, and upheld it. The most high-ranking of them is Knight, known as Nolhak. The name, Nolhak (sword-seer), is sometimes also used for the highest Peaceguard, whom many believe to be responsible for the peace in the kingdom.   The Thirds: Plougher, Healer, Lanternkeeper; they brought, kept, and took the Peoples. Lanternkeeper Mylra is the highest.  

The Near God

  Each person of the faith usually chooses a god to pray to. They rarely do so based on their profession (not all who follow Knight strive for knighthood), but rather, they pick the one that represents values and traits the gods have and the follower themselves wish to have.   When one tells their Near God, some place expectations on them according to the personality traits generally associated with the god they follow. These features are often associated to the god themself, in myths and legends.