The Eye of the Hunter (sun) Geographic Location in The World of the Eternals | World Anvil

The Eye of the Hunter (sun)

  • When The Eye of the Hunter is blokking for The Eye of the Sage (sun), the area of the world, that is iluminated, is engulfed by a dark red light. This is called "The Hours of the Hunt."
    • Most animals have difficault seeing in this light, making them more vunablen to attacks.
      • Animals not effected by The Hours of the Hunt:
        • ???
    • Some sentinent races also have difficault seeing in this light.
      • Sentinent races not effected by The Hours of the Hunt:
        • [Some or all of the humans]
        • ???
    • The Hours of the Hunt occurs every [undefined] day of the week [or month], and lasts for 3 hours
  • When The Eye of the Hunter, begins it's journey to cover The Eye of the Sage (sun), the clear light and blue sky, that normally illuminate the world, starts turning to a deep and fiery orange shade. This signs the beginning of "The Searching" stage
  • When The Eye of the Hunter, have fully coveret The Eye of the Sage (sun), the deep and fiery orange, have shade by shade converted to a dark and more burnt orange. This signs the end of "The Searching" stage, and beginning of "The Hunting" stage.
  • When The Eye of the Sage (sun) no longer is coveret by any part of The Eye of the Hunter, The Hours of the Hunt over.

Star Type

  • K0,99
  • This type is either a “Red Dwarf” or a “Red Giant” (yet to be defined)

  • The sun of the Earth is a Type
  • This sun is a


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