Tears of Piruun Material in The World of Popkin | World Anvil

Tears of Piruun


Material Characteristics

A green, gem-quality orthorhombic crystalline mineral. The crystals typically have a slightly yellowish, olive green color; the largest specimens, which may exceed 25 feet in height, take on a true, deep green color, with occasional faint flashes of idiosyncratic yellow refringence within.

Physical & Chemical Properties

A moderately hard substance with a vitreous luster, weak cleavage, and conchoidal fracturing. Although experimental evidence on the physical properties has been difficult to come by, anecdotal reports attest to a piezoelectric property that causes brief emission of yellowish luminance when the crystals are subjected to breaking strain.   The crystals exhibit extreme photogenerative hypercapacitance when exposed to lightning energies, both mundane and magical, absorbing energy and slowly releasing it as a yellow light that is very similar to sunlight. The intensity and duration of the luminance are both directly proportional to the amount of energy absorbed; it is possible that no upper limit exists. The thousands of immense crystals lining the ceiling of The Eye of Piruun southern cavern, the chamber of the Piruun'iska, and tunnels connected to them were apparently almost completely dark until an enormous lightning discharge passed through in Lim of 4761. From that moment, continuing to the present nearly three years later, these tears have shone with a light nearly as bright as true, daytime sunlight – in that time, no measurable diminishment has been observed.

Geology & Geography

The Tears of Piruun are only known to have grown as clusters of orthrorhombic crystals in the ancient, ultramafic lavas of the extinct shield volcano Amaan'iska on The Isle of Popkin. However, the "tears" appear similar to the peridot found in upper mantle xenoliths and some deposits of sky iron, suggesting the possibility that they may be found elsewhere.

Origin & Source

Amaan'iska Lava Tunnel Network beneath the extinct volcano Amaan'iska on The Isle of Popkin. The largest concentrations known are found in the large caverns known as The Eye of Piruun and around an ancient dragon's skeleton referred to as Piruun'iska.

History & Usage


Revered as sacred by the Shattertide Duergaar of The Eye of Piruun. Believed to be the crystalized tears of the lightning god Piruun, given to protect the clan from catastrophe.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Only the clerics of the Temple to Piruun are permitted to interact with the Tears directly, and they typically only by magic. Traditionally, the highest clerics of the temple would direct lightning magic at regions of crystals on the walls or ceiling of The Eye of Piruun to produce some simulacrum of a day-night cycle in the otherwise lightless tunnels.

Industrial Use



Law & Regulation

No interaction of any sort with the crystals is permitted, on pain of death, except to clerics of Piruunianism belonging to the Shattertide Duergaar clan.
Extremely rare
Hints of ozone
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Unknown (presumed very high)


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