Free Action Ethnicity in The World of Acuthan | World Anvil

Free Action


The Free Action Movement referred to by itself as ACT, has grown massively over the past eighteen months. It was founded by Zag, a mysterious figure whose identity and personal history prior to the leadership of ACT is not known. There is also no record of the leader's appearance and Authorities have so far failed to find any genuine leads on whereabouts.   Members of ACT are embedded across many nations. It is the most fast-growing and influential of a number of movements and cultures that cut across national and racial boundaries. Those more traditional factors that bind people together are weakening as the region becomes more fluid in how its populations move, interact, and locate.  


ACT views any controlling Authority as unnecessary, unhealthy to society, and ultimately corrupt. They espouse the values of individuality, equality, and freedom. The success of its growing number has had its drawbacks - the most notable being occasional disagreements on their way of thinking. There is an increasing number of members who have doubts that the complete absence of authority is viable, instead arguing for a minimum level to provide stability over the long term. Such disagreements have not been serious and the rise of ACT continues.  


The initial basic tactic of ACT when it was newly formed was to concentrate its efforts within a small location with dense populations. In this way, they aimed to maximize the number of new recruits to their cause whilst expending minimum resources. At the same time, they limited their local activities to 'low key' organized meetings and discussions. Whilst yielding only slow growth in members, it was primarily designed to avoid being seen as any kind of threat by Authorities.   Over time, as their foothold in an area attained a critical mass, their tactic switched to a more openly challenging narrative to the status quo. However, even then, their numbers and influence overall remained insubstantial, particularly in the context of the entire region.  

Communications Revolution

The breakthrough for ACT was the invention of a communications device called the Loquer. By a stroke of luck Zag, in another guise, knew the inventor and when hearing of the breakthrough arranged for his recruitment. Consequently, the supply is wholly under the control of ACT. The devices have a maximum range of ten thousand kilometers, so ACT is now able to communicate almost instantaneously over great distances. The ability to pass information at high speed, and to react quickly to developing local events across the region, has enabled it to coordinate 'information briefings', major events, and protests with such speed, that local authorities have little, to no, advance warning. It has also helped to convince local populations of their power and likely longevity. This has been instrumental in their now rapidly rising numbers.   With their growing membership, their strategy is beginning a new phase. ACT is putting in place rings of its members around large areas they wish to target for conversion. With the Loquers at their disposal, they are becoming a powerful political force. Authorities now realize the threat but they are playing catch-up to identify those involved and deciding how they should act.
Related Locations
ACT has gained real traction in Churiss - the opportunity for success was high here given the higher daily freedoms given to its citizens. It's very openness and love of individuality made it a prime target.
  The City is already seeing growing protests that are beginning to turn aggressive. This has been exacerbated by a general feeling of unrest within the surrounding populations as its current leaders appear less concerned with the well-being of the general population than that of the richest in Churiss society.


Loquer cover
  A Loquer is an orb-like device with a diameter the width of a hand. It is made of a glass-like substance, mixed with the blood of a creature that had a telepathic ability.
  Through a complex process, magical energy is transferred into the Loquer. If the process is successful, the result is a device that enables the user to contact others with another Loquer over large distances.
Loquer Device art by: Monique Pongan


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