Orthmynn Organization in The World | World Anvil
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Orthmynn was a nation founded and destroyed long before The Kingdom of Merterra was even conceived of. Very little is actually known about this ancient civilization and even less is known about how it came to be or why it disappeared. First-hand accounts of interactions with its people or government are exceedingly rare and, due to Orthmynn's location deep in the Dark Forest , recovered artifacts are nearly unheard of.


Orthmynn's final fate is mostly unknown. The entire country simply disappeared without warning. The only evidence it existed in the first place is the rare mention in foreign documents and the crumbling and overgrown ruins of its buildings hidden in the wilds of the Dark Forest.

Technological Level

Orthmynn had achieved a level of scientific advancement far beyond that of any modern civilization. They discovered a way to harness electricity and blended this new area of science perfectly with their advanced understanding of magic. It is even rumored that they had found a way to travel across the material plane even beyond the confines of their own planet in the blink of an eye. These rumors are mostly unfounded and have yet to be proven, but they emphasize the fact that the scientific achievements of Orthmynn were far beyond those of any modern organization.

Foreign Relations

From its origin, Orthmynn has been a society committed to neutrality and peace. They never actively sought diplomatic relationships, and on the rare occasion that a foreign nation reached out to them, they would treat the diplomat with respect yet politely decline any offers, preferring instead to remain without political ties. However, despite their seclusion, Orthmynians always were pleased to entertain foreign travelers.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Orthmynian, Orthmynians
Government System

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