Lithoria Settlement in The World | World Anvil
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When the crown of Bogbel was thrown down unto the mountainous lands of Gharnek, the Tree of Yeg formed where the giant carved wood had made contact with the ground. It was here that the Dweorgs called home. I time the race of architects, wine-harvesters and brawlers carved out a grand city which they named after their first chosen queen. This became Lithoria. The city was carved within and around the Tree of Yeg but had no towers which extended past the highest tops of the trees.   This was the first Great Dweorg City and served as a place for wandering Thiene to learn many trades. The section of the continent of Gharnek where Lithoria was located is mountainous and full of forests. It is here where the city and the tree are almost hidden, past the great Deathly Wood Forest. The city is built far down deep into the soil of the surrounding mountains and the roots of the tree. The hamlets which were built separately from the trunk were high and resembled the buildings found in Hygod.   Closer to the trunk, where the roots came up to make the base of it, there were the four Greystone Towers, allowing the soldiers of Lithoria to see oncoming threats. Unlike Felmor, which has an undocumented number of maeister magicians and mercenaries guarding its walls, the law enforcement organization known as the Assembled Dorwyn guard Yeg and the city within it. At outposts, sprinkled across the forests of the mountain ranges, there are fifteen guards assigned to each lookout.   It is said a couple thousand individuals live in and around Lithoria and Yeg. It is often regarded as the most secure city in the land.

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